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Knowledge Base Articles

What are Community badges?

Badges are visual rewards for active community participation. They represent our appreciation for how you contribute to building an engaged community. You'll find these badges displayed on your profile and those of other members. How can I earn badge...

How do I opt in or out of Community Latest News emails?

Cisco AppDynamics Community has launched a program of member emails called Community Latest News about Community-specific programs and updates, as well as member events like contests, surveys, etc. These messages are intentional and distinct from aut...

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How do I update my avatar?

You can change your avatar image at any time. The image you choose will serve as both your profile avatar, and your message avatar.  The Community library includes a number of collections you can use. Or, to further personalize your avatar, you can u...

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How do I update and use my profile

What are ways to make my user profile work for me? Because the AppD Community uses single sign-on (SSO) for user authentication, you don’t need to set up a Community account when joining. You can personalize your profile, though, to get the most out ...

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How do I send a Private Message?

What is the direct message equivalent in Community, and how do I use it? Though public interactions do the most to promote an active Community and improve available knowledge, sometimes a private conversation is preferable.  You can send and receive...

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How do I "@mention" Community members and content in my posts?

How do @mention links work in the Community? “@mention” a community member to bring them into the discussion. You can  "@mention" content as well. Use this feature to link to individuals and content within your replies or posts anywhere in the Commun...

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How do I review, manage, or delete subscriptions and bookmarks?

I want to review my Community subscriptions and bookmarks, and delete obsolete ones.As you engage in Community, you may want to subscribe to or bookmark personally relevant content. This article covers where and how to manage your personal subscripti...


How do I subscribe to receive Community notifications?

I want to receive notifications about Community content I’m interested in Do you want to get the latest news from the AppDynamics Community? Or to keep up with a specific topic, conversation, or thread? You can subscribe to Community content and rece...

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How do I use labels and tags to find what I need?

How do I use labels and tags to surface the content I'm looking for? Labels and tags organize the Community’s content. You can hone in on what you need by searching or filtering with them. In this article... How do I understand and use labels in the ...

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How do I refine the scope of my search?

You can narrow the scope of your search using features on the 'Advanced' search page.   In this article… How do I use additional search filters? Locations   |  Filters  Additional Resources   How do I use additional search filters? Advanced Search pa...

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How do I find what I need in the Community?

What do I need to know about searching in the Community?   Searching is the best place to start when it comes to finding existing content. Every Community page has a search bar.  WORTH NOTING | While we encourage you to start a discussion or reply to...

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How do I register and sign into the Community?

Why should I register for a Community account, and what are the steps?How do I sign in to my Community account?  By signing in to the Cisco AppDynamics Community, you get expanded access to resources, including the ability to: Create or participate i...


What are "Accepted Solutions" and how do I use them?

How do I find Accepted Solutions–or mark new ones? When a Discussion Forum post is marked as Solved, you know its original question has an agreed solution. Community members can see that solved state and also navigate the thread right to the answer. ...

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How do I create meaningful posts?

Share helpful information in Community  In the AppDynamics Community, you can post a question or present your own information. When you begin to write a post—besides capturing all facts, steps, and thoughts—you want to keep your target reader in mind...

What are spam and harassment? How do I report them?

How do I deal with spam or harassment on the AppDynamics Community?  Spam is unsolicited content. Harassment is hateful or threatening speech.  If you see either of these types of content, mark the entry as spam or as harassment so we can remove it f...

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Who are your Community Managers?

Meet your AppDynamics Community Managers, Ryan and Claudia We wanted to share a bit about ourselves with you, as the people who help run and manage the Community. Also, learn about how you can reach us if you ever have any questions. Cheers,AppDyna...

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Privacy and Security Dos and Don’ts

What do I need to know about security protocols in the AppDynamics Community?  The Community exists as a forum for AppDynamics' technical community to share information and knowledge. To support that exchange, we each need to act on the awareness of ...

Having browser issues in the Community?

When and how should I clear my browser history to improve Community performance? Occasionally, you may experience issues like the inability to log into the Community, being unable to view content, or similar kinds of issues. We've noticed that these...

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