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Table of Contents

Feature Enhancements

Heads Up - What Else You Should Know

Beta Programs

Resolved Issues

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We did not have a Controller or Enterprise Console release in May. We resolved a series of issues associated with the previous release.


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What highlights should I know about?

These release highlights include the newest features and capabilities at-a-glance this month. In the grid below, we’ve flagged who may be most interested or impacted in your organization by each enhancement.




User and Performance


Admin and Implementer


Cloud Native

SAP Enhancement



AIOps Platform 


Experience Journey Map


Appdynamics new on-prem: AppD Cluster Manager


Apache Cassandra Database Visibility Support




Ease of Use



New Agent Installer



Alert Sensitivity Tuning



Recommended Data Collector Configuration (SaaS)


Auto-enable EUM Business Transaction Correlation

Unified license for Browser RUM and Mobile RUM



System Admin Updates


Access to Downloads from Account



University Subscription Management




Cloud Native 

  • The SAP Agent enhancement includes better PII/GDPR filtering, support for async transactions and more analytics aimed at visualizing Business Journeys.

Note: This is the first release delivered based upon customer feedback submitted in the Community Idea Exchange.  Thanks for the recommendation! 


AIOps Platform

  • Experience Journey Map allows customers a user-centric view of their application by visualizing the most trafficked journeys through the application. This new view allows IT Ops professionals, Application Owners, and Developers to collaborate by showing performance, user abandonment, and mobile and browser errors during every step of their journey.

  • The AppDynamics Cluster Manager now runs on commodity infrastructure (VM’s and SDD SAN) instead of bare metal servers, making it easier to install via CLI’s. This enhancement includes a new metric store that improves ingestion scalability (7M metrics/min), greater data retention and High Availability.

  • Database visibility for Apache Cassandra and DataStax (commercial version) provides key performance indicators on Cassandra objects to help fully understand the performance of the platform and therefore the impact on the corresponding application. Monitoring includes both metrics and query-level data. 

Ease of Use

  • The new Agent Installer streamlines the deployment of agents across an application. This new functionality can install both a Java and Machine agent, auto-discover processes, and name each node and tier with just a few commands.

  • Alert Sensitivity Tuning (AST) helps you minimize alert noise, find optimal health rules sensitivity thanks to a visual feed-back on your historical data. With this new feature, the alert tuning guesswork is no longer required, as we will now provide real-time feedback on how the new health rules settings would behave based on recent past data.

  • The Business IQ’s new UI Data Collector configuration provides the ability to explore custom data from application functions.

  • For customers who have both EUM and APM products, BT snapshot correlation will be turned on by default for browser and mobile snapshots providing an end-to-end view of performance. Users who upgrade to Java agent 20.3.0+ are now enabled and .NET and other agents will be coming soon.

  • New EUM customers can purchase one license unit that is shared between Browser Real User Monitoring and Mobile Real User Monitoring allowing more flexibility in license utilization.


Heads up - What else you should know 

To provide a more seamless experience, users can download artifacts directly from their Account page beginning in June 2020. There is no impact to your CI/CD pipeline or any automation you may have implemented, the Downloads page ( remains intact. Keep an eye out on the community for information around this change. 


In June, we’re providing an improved AppDynamics University experience so Company Administrators can more easily manage subscription and University subscribers get the best learning experience. Learn more about managing University subscriptions here and check out AppDynamics University


NOTE: These Download and AppDynamics University features are our latest steps in expanding the Accounts experience for a more streamlined user experience.


Share your feedback! Participate in a Beta today

We’re currently running two Beta programs and looking for your feedback:


  • Submit feedback on the Dash Studio Preview through the in-product feedback button or on Community here

  • Sign up for the Beta program for our Lambda Python Serverless Tracer and learn more about our capabilities on the Serverless APM for AWS Lambda page. The tracer's language matches your AWS function code's implementation.

  • The New Agent Installer which takes the role of downloading, installing, configuring, and automatically naming instrumented nodes and tiers. The beta version is available for SaaS customers located in the US for Java Linux agents. Customers in other regions may sign up to get a demo and provide feedback on the new capabilities. Please fill out this form to participate.


Resolved Issues

The following list notes key issues that were resolved this month. To see a complete of this month's resolved issues, see Resolved Issues by Month.


Apache Agent

  • Reduced throughput after several hours of operation (WEBSRV-132)


Database Monitoring

  • Agent is reporting its own monitoring query for MongoDB (DBMON-6805)



  • Azure WebApp is crashing with agent version 20.4.1 (DOTNET-4621)
  • "A request container already exists on the request" error when implementing .NET Core Agent with oData (DOTNET-4063)


Get Started


Note: customers are advised to check backward compatibility in the Agent and Controller Compatibility documentation


Download Essential Components (Agents, Enterprise Console, Controller (on-prem), Events Service, EUM Components)

Download Additional Components (SDKs, Plugins, etc.)

AppDynamics Upgrade Checklist For Any Release

Product Announcements, Alerts, and Hot Fixes


AppDynamics is switching to calendar versioning, Why?

License Entitlements and Restrictions


Can’t find what you’re looking for? Need more assistance? Ask a question in the Latest Release forum.

Version history
Last update:
‎10-01-2020 03:40 PM
Updated by:
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