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Community Manager

Do you want to receive the latest news from the AppDynamics Community or keep a pulse on a particular topic? You can subscribe to receive email notifications when there's an update anywhere in the Community: in Discussions, Knowledge Base, or Idea Exchange.


Click the links below to learn how to:


How do I sign in to the Community so I can subscribe?

You'll need to be signed in to the Community in order to subscribe.

  1. Go to and click the Sign in button on the top right side.
    Community Sign In.png
  2. On the sign-in page, enter your SSO credentials. You will see both the Community profile and the AppDynamics mini-profile.
    Example of what to expect when signed in: both Community profile and AppDynamics mini-profile will displayExample of what to expect when signed in: both Community profile and AppDynamics mini-profile will display


How do I subscribe in the Discussion Forums?

Once you are signed in to the Community, you will be able to subscribe to categories and threads.


Subscribe to a discussion category


Note: Check to be sure you're signed in so you can subscribe  

  1. Select Discussions from the top navigation. The Community Forums page will open.
  2. Click a category name (e.g., "Latest Release," "Business iQ," or "Dashboards").Click "Discussions" in the top navigation. Then, click the Discussion Forum.Click "Discussions" in the top navigation. Then, click the Discussion Forum.

    3. Hover over the 3-dot icon to the left of the Start a Discussion button and click Subscribe.Subscrining to a category.png

You'll receive notifications when there are new posts in that category.



Subscribe to a specific discussion post


Note: Check to be sure you're signed in so you can subscribe  

Note: Already on the post you want to subscribe to? Start at step 3, below.

    1. As described above, click Discussions on the top navigation. Then, on the Community Forums page, select a category (e.g., "Latest Release," "Business iQ," or "Dashboards").

    2. Click the title of the post you want to subscribe to.

    3. Hover over the 3-dot icon towards the top right and click Subscribe.Subscrining to a post.png


How do I subscribe within the Knowledge Base?

Once you are signed in to the Community, you will be able to subscribe to Knowledge Base content, whether all content, filtered by label, or to individual articles.


Subscribe to a Knowledge Base Label (category)


Note: Check to be sure you're signed in so you can subscribe 


  1. Select Knowledge Base from the top navigation. The Knowledge Base home page will open.
  2. On the right-hand rail, click a label name under Filter by Labels (e.g., "Java," "Release," or "Events Service").
    KnowledgeBase_Filter Release.png

    The Knowledge Base will filter to show articles under that label.
    KB Filter_Release.png

    3. Under the Latest Articles heading, click the Subscribe link to the right of the filter.

Once subscribed, you'll receive a notification when there's a new post under that Knowledge Base label.


Subscribe to a specific Knowledge Base article


Note: You'll need to be signed in to the Community in order to subscribe  

Note: Already on the article you want to subscribe to? Start at step 2, below

  1. Select Knowledge Base from the top navigation to search for an article or select one from the list of latest articles.

  2. Hover over the 3-dot icon to the left of the Share Post button and click Subscribe.Subscribe to an article.png


Version history
Last update:
‎11-20-2020 11:47 AM
Updated by:
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