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AppDynamics Team

Everything you need to know about AppDynamics’ new release versioning format


Table of Contents



What is Calendar Versioning?

Beginning in March 2020, AppDynamics will switch from Semantic Versioning to Calendar Versioning for the entire product suite to help you more easily understand the length of support, compatibility, and stability of any release. 


So, rather than version numbers in an x.y.z format (i.e., 4.5.18), the calendar-based format will reflect the date of release into the version number. The format will read yy.m.x


For example, if a Java agent is released in March of 2020, it’s version will begin with 20.3.0. When the Java agent team releases again in the month of March, the new agent will be 20.3.1. 


What happens if we get a second release in the same month? The version would be 20.3.2, and so on. Likewise, the first release of September will be 20.9.0, while the first release of October will be 20.10.0.



Why are we switching to Calendar Versioning?

Calendar-based versioning ensures all customer-facing releases follow a consistent naming schema. This makes it easier to understand how old a release is and until how long it is maintained and supported. AppDynamics will generally provide Maintenance and Support for 12 months following the next major release. For example, if version 20.3.0 is released on March 2020, and  20.6.0 is released on June 2020, then AppDynamics will generally provide Maintenance and Support for version 20.3.0 until June 2021. 



Will Calendar-based version component(s) work with previous versions of the Controller and Agents?

We understand that every customer may not upgrade their Controller(s) or Agents as soon as new versions are released. As we move to Calendar Versioning, AppDynamics will continue to be generally forward and backward compatible: 4.5.x Controller will continue to support 4.5.x and 20.3.x Agents; 20.3.0 Controller will continue to support 4.5.x and 20.3.x Agents. 


Controller Version

Agent Compatibility


4.4.x+, 4.5.x+, 20.3.x+


4.4.x+, 4.5.x+, 20.3.x+



What is our Release Policy?

We release a new version only when it contains net new functionality or a fix. We may not release versions in every month if there are no new changes since the last release. In cases where we don’t release a new version within consecutive months, you may see a gap in versioning. For example, while the version of Enterprise Console released in March would be 20.3.0, if the next release isn't until June, its version will be 20.6.0.  



Who do I reach out to if I have further questions or problems?

Please contact

Version history
Last update:
‎02-21-2020 03:00 PM
Updated by:
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