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08:10 PM
- edited on
03:23 PM
To make sure you have all of the information you need to understand license consumption, rules, errors, and usage, we've indexed several articles below that will guide you through how to resolve common issues and answer frequently asked questions.
These articles will provide you with a basic understanding of how licenses are consumed and how to best use license rules to strategically allocate units:
If you encounter any notifications or errors related to licensing, please review the troubleshooting resources linked below:
The resources below will guide you through how to view license consumption from different perspectives to help you better understand your usage:
hi y'all ... i'm testing out this APM ... installed demo and now it says i'm on 15 day trials ... configured most stuff i needed for now (app agent and machine agent) ... my boxes are showing up on the controller.
But i'm not seeing any metrics at all ... and i keep gettings notification about this:
Agent license request denied. Agent type: sim-machine-agent; Host: server; Reason: License limit hit for controller
I have thrown the license file to the controller folder ... so not sure why i'm getting this flag and not seeing anything at my home dashboard.
any idea ... tia!
Hi @Anonymous - were you able to figure this out? If so, can you share the answer here?
@Anonymous We've just updated this article to include several new resources about licensing, including a couple specifically about that "Reason: License limit hit for controller". Here are the two resources that explain why you are receiving that error and how to resolve it:
Please post back here if you have any follow up questions,
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