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Deleting a Default License Rule

We do not recommend deleting default license rules. Instead, we recommend changing all of the license entitlements to 0. If you do delete a default rule, please keep these in mind:

  • If there is only 1 license rule (e.g. the default), deleting it will take the License Management back to a state when license rules never existed.
  • Existing agents will not be impacted since they will start reporting using the account level access key.
  • If you have multiple license rules (1 default and multiple custom) and you delete the default rule, you will not be able to recreate it until you delete all other rules.
  • If you would like to, you can click on "Create Rules" blue button to create a new default rule. The AccessKey will most likely be different and you will need to re-configure your agents as well.


Deleting a Custom License Rule

Deleting and recreating a custom license rule will not retrieve the old access key back, even if the name is same. This is due to the fact that access keys are generated dynamically at runtime.


For additional information about license rules, see: What are license rules and how do they work?


Last Updated: 2/26/19

Version history
Last update:
‎11-19-2019 10:42 AM
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