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AppDynamics Team

It can be tricky to view license usage at the account level to determine which agents and hosts are consuming licenses, but the following options will get you closer.


Table of Contents



  1. Review our complete documentation for detailed instructions on how to use APIs.
  2. To view the information, you must have the account_owner or administration role.
  3. You can use the following REST API endpoint:
  4. To see the available agent_types, use the below command:

    curl -v --user <UserName>@<AccountName>:<Password> http://localhost:8090/api/accounts/<AccountID>/licensemodules
  5. Below is the content of an example LicenseUsage.rtf file.

    • maxUnitsUsed - Maximum usage count out of the collected samples for the hourly resolution
    • minUnitsUsed - Minimum usage count out of the collected samples for the hourly resolution
    • avgUnitsUsed - Average usage count over the samples collected over an hour
    • totalUnitsUsed - Sum of all the usage counts of all the samples
    • sampleCount - License usage samples collected during an hour
    • avgUnitsAllowed - Average max units allowed for an hour
    • avgUnitsProvisioned - Average max units provisioned for an hour
    • accountId - Account ID of the account corresponding to the license usage sample


Controller UI

There are multiple places in the Controller UI where you can view license usage from different perspectives.


1. Settings → License → Account Usage
The Account Usage tab displays account level usage per agent. For details on what information is available in this section, see Viewing Account Usage.

Screen Shot 2019-02-26 at 1.42.49 PM.png


2. Settings → Licenses → Rules
This screen will show you a usage graph per agent per rule. Starting in v4.3, you can go to Controller SettingsLicenseRules and click Create Rules to set one up if one doesn’t already exist. For more information on creating license rules, click here.
Screen Shot 2019-02-26 at 1.42.23 PM.png


3. Application → Tier & Nodes
This screen will show you any agent that has >0% availability in the past 5 minutes. Any agent that has a >0% availability will consume a license. Keep in mind that disabled agents show 0% availability but will still consume licenses.
Tiers and Nodes.png



Alternative ways to view license consumption

In addition to the options outlined above, you can view license usage following the steps outlined in the articles linked below:


Last Updated: 10/22/19


Good to know this information. Thanks.

AppDynamics Team (Retired)
Version history
Last update:
‎10-29-2019 10:17 AM
Updated by:
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