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Better to understand your SaaS Controller’s license consumption and limits with license usage graphs

Note: License usage graphs are not available for on-prem Controllers.


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How do I get to the Subscriptions page?

  1. To get started, sign in to your account.

  2. Click on your name in the top right and click Account. The Account Overview page will open.Sign in Acccount | New UI 2020 0131 release.png



  3. On the left navigation panel of the Account Overview page, click the Subscriptions link. The Subscriptions page will open.Xnip2020-01-31_17-19-17.png

  4. If you have more than one license, click the one you’d like to view.1_Subscriptions.png


  1. Once you choose a license, you can view all its products' usage.

  2. There are two possible views to choose from once you are on the License Usage tab:
    • Current usage for all of your products  
    • Historical usage for an individual product


How do I see recent or current usage for all products?

The License Usage tab displays data for all your products from the current or most recent usage period. It shows the data captured and aggregated from the previous day. For detailed instructions, see License Usage documentation.

Please note that it is measured differently for each product, as described in the License Entitlements and Restrictions documentation.

2_Subscriptions_SaaS CocacolaEU.png


How do I see historical usage for individual products?

To view historical usage for a particular product, click the product name link on the License Usage tab.

You will be able to see the product's license information, maximum and average usage metrics, and total (cumulative) license usage. 

Refer to the License Usage documentation for additional detail.


Product License Information

BRUM_Product License Info.png

You can choose between viewing a line chart or bar chart. The default time frame is 3 months, but you can adjust it in the top-right corner. You can also select from different levels of data granularity: daily, hourly, weekly, or monthly. We’ve provided the granularity levels that best correspond with different time ranges.

Data is captured in 5-minute intervals and then aggregated into larger intervals. You may notice that if you choose a longer time frame, then certain options are disabled. For example, if you choose a time frame longer than one month, then hourly granularity is disabled.

Subscription_SaaS_APM Any Regular.png


Max and Average Usage Metrics

For certain products, like those under the Application Performance Management and Infrastructure Visibility families, the x-axis is the time frame, and the y-axis is the number of license units used. You can see two types of metrics in the header:

  • Max - The maximum usage of all agents aggregated over the time frame you chose in the date selector. In other words, it’s the maximum of all the data points on the graph.
  • Average - The average of all agents reporting usage during the time frame chosen in your date selector. In other words, it’s the average of all the average values on the graph.

NOTE | The APM Any product includes multiple agents. To drill down into usage for a particular agent (e.g., Java), click its corresponding checkbox in the filter bar. Agents that don’t report data during the selected time-frame are grayed out in the filter.

Subscriptions_SaaS_APM Any Reg_MaxAvg.png

How do I interpret metric types?

  • When viewing all agent types, you see the maximums of all agents as well as the average of all agents reporting usage over the selected time frame.
  • When viewing only one agent type, the results are restricted to that single agent’s data.
  • When viewing a subset of agent types (not all), their maximums and averages are calculated based only on the agents chosen.  

Hover over a data point on the graph to see granular metrics. If you choose a time frame of less than 1 month, you’ll see hourly metrics. If you select a time frame greater than or equal to 1 month, you’ll see daily data.


How do I use cumulative and non-cumulative usage graphs?

For certain products under End User Monitoring and Application Performance Management, there are two graph types. One graph presents a cumulative plot for a given usage cycle. The other graph presents a non-cumulative plot for the same usage cycle. 

In both graph types, you can specify the granularity of data you want to view (in addition to the time frame). Please note that the data is measured differently for each product, as described in the License Entitlements and Restrictions documentation.


How do I switch between metered and license unit views? 

Click the top right to switch views between metered view and license units. The usage data presented is the same in both graphs. The y-axis reflects either the metered or license view. 

For example, with Browser Real User Monitoring, usage can be viewed as pageviews or as license units. The same usage shows on both graphs’ x-axes, while either the pageviews or license units show on the respective y-axis. 

Subscriptions_SaaS_BRUM_View Switcher.png

License units are always rounded up to the next highest integer because that is the minimum amount you would need for your monitoring.


The cumulative plot graph

For example, the y-axis for Mobile Real User Monitoring represents Monthly Active Agents. This graph displays the total number of monitored events—during either a usage cycle or a time frame you choose. 

For a given usage period, the Usage Overview will show usage as a percentage so you can see what quantity has been consumed against your total allocation.BRUM_Pageviews Current.png

Hover over a data point on the graph to see granular metrics. If you choose a time frame of less than 1 month, you’ll see hourly metrics. If you select a time frame greater than or equal to 1 month, you’ll see daily metrics.


The non-cumulative plot graph

This graph plots the usage for a product’s given usage cycle or time-frame. You select the granularity in the dropdown. The non-cumulative graph helps you determine:

  • how much of the product is being used at a regular cadence
  • whether there are spikes in usage 

Hover over a data point on the graph to see granular metrics. You can also view an average data point for the granularity chosen.BRUM_DailyAvg.png


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Version history
Last update:
‎07-13-2022 02:57 PM
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