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Forum Posts

Error Dashboard

Is it possible to make a dashboard that will show only specific error?Ex The dashboard will be plain with general business transaction metrics, but when an error occurs all of the graphs will focus on that error. Like all other business transactions ...

Resolved! Dashboard links not loading data

My Dashboards when seen by logging into portal is looking fine.But when opened using the shareable link it is not loading data completely (showing while blocks in place of widgets)Can anyone help me out with this?

link.png In portal.png

Resolved! custom metrix

Hi Team,I am trying to load a custom metrics onto the dashboard & its not loading any data.For individual applications when i try to get the Metrix data in dashboard i can see the data coming .But when i tried to get all applications URL monitoring o...

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Resolved! Custom Dashboard and report in Excel Format

Hi All,Is it possible to generate Reports in Excel format from Custom Dashboards and Reports Tab. I am aware from Metric browser we can export report in CSV format, but as it can't be scheduled and Health rule Violation details not available in Metri...

Machine Agent Availability metric on custom dashboard

Dear AppD Users, Admins,We are working on a business-oriented custom dashboard and can't find how to put the Availability metric on a dashboard. The Metric should have been viewed as a number - as you can see on the screenshot.I tried all kinds of op...


Violations & Anomalies

Kindly provide me the solution for the below,Suppose I have created 5 health rules, so I can check the violated health rules in 'Violations & Anomalies' tab on controller. Here my question is how will i get the exact count of particular health rule v...