Hi,I am planning to do Associate Administrator certification and going through the study materials from University.But need to understand how the exam pattern would be with sample questions, if any mock tests as well. Couldnt get more insight on the ...
Hi All,I have a web browser based application which is supported only in IE & EDGE , need synthetic monitoring to be configured in Appdynamics.Do we have recorder for IE, like Selenium IDE / Katalon recorder? Because couldn't locate XPATH/CCS Selecto...
Hi All,Is it possible to generate Reports in Excel format from Custom Dashboards and Reports Tab. I am aware from Metric browser we can export report in CSV format, but as it can't be scheduled and Health rule Violation details not available in Metri...
Hi ,I have a requirement to create Availability % Dashboard for Synthetic applications. But in the calculation I need to include the Health Rule violation count as well. Without Health rule violation count I am able to get the Availability %, with M...
I need to include EUM_SYNTHETIC_SESSION_DETAILS URL in the alert. What is the Variable name for this value?
Actually, EUM_SYNTHETIC_SESSION_DETAILS URL gives the latest Synthetic Job session details.