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Resolved! Compare Dashboard metrics for 2 time ranges at same time

I need to compare metrics in a Dashboard so that first time range would be Dashboard time range and the second would be some custom time range ? For a single metric the second range would be chosen with "Use Widget Specific Time Range". However, I ha...


Resolved! Viewing Server Critical Errors via the Application Dashboard

From my Dashboard I can see AppD is showing 6 critical errors I want to know what those errors are   If I click on them it lists all thes node which have had warnings and errors flagged against them and then I double click on a server which has a an ...

Resolved! Login credentials for iframe widget

Hi All,   I have a requirement for embedding a webpage from a different monitoring system (eg. http://abc.xyz/dashboard) in AppDynamics dashboard and this can be done using Iframe widget. This works perfectly if http://abc.xyz doesn't require any cre...

Resolved! Exporting Exception Data

Is there a way to create a dashboard widget which would allow me to expose the data i can find on the Applications > Troubshoot > Errors > Exceptions pages? I'd like our developers (who don't have logins) to be able to quickly see what some of the to...

Resolved! Relative time moving timeframe

Hi guys,   I need to create a widget that displays data from exactly 7 days in the past, say 1 hours worth.   Whenever the dashboards gets refreshed it will display that one hour of data that occured exactly 7 days in the past, so not a static date, ...

Resolved! Calls per Second

I'm trying to see if there is an elegant way to display the calls per second for a given business transaction that we're trying to debug/monitor.   Is there any way for me to get the actual calls per second data to be able to expose it on a timeline ...

Handled exception for mobile apps

We are working on intergrating our Android app with App Dynamic, but I only see our app in the 'User Experience' tab but not under the 'Application' tab. The main reason for my question is because we want to track handled exception, and only apps und...

Resolved! When is AppDynamics Dumping Flash for HTML5?

Adobe has announced the end of Flash, yet AppDynamics is still requiring it. Why? Flash has a number of limitations including simple things like not copying text. Then there's the obvious problems with Flash security (Steve Jobs wrote about poor Flas...

WCF: Slow steps

WCF call is very slow because of below step: System.ServiceModel.Dispatcher.RequestChannelBinder:Request: Unknown (execution time: 10594 ms of 10594 ms total) WCF (10594ms): [5]   Anyone can give some idea or thoughts around the possible reason will ...

Resolved! Creation of Dashboard

Hi,   I would like to ask if it is possible for me to create a Dashboard wherein I can showcase the ff KPI below. For the Error I know where to find it but for the rest I don't have idea since this was my first time using the said KPI's. Hope you guy...