Hi ,I am unable to access AppDynamics REST API.If I write a sample code using the python client
from appd.request import AppDynamicsClient
c = AppDynamicsClient('URL','group','appd@123')
for app in c.get_applications():
print app.id, app.name
It wor...
Hi ,
In AppDynamics we can get the Events Details using the REST URI like the following
Hi ,When I am invoking a REST URI from the browser using an URL like the following http://<IP>:<PORT>/controller/rest/applications/4/metric-data?metric-path=Overall%20Application%20Performance%7CNumber%20of%20Very%20Slow%20Calls&time-range-type=BEF...
I need to fetch the transaction scorecard data of a business application using the REST API of AppDynamics .
Following is the a sample view of AppDynamics Transaction Scorecard
I have done through the AppDynamics REST API documentation to some e...
Hi ,I am trying to do the same but one strange thing noticed there .If I write a sample code using the python client
from appd.request import AppDynamicsClient
c = AppDynamicsClient('URL','group','appd@123')
for app in c.get_applications():
print ...
Hi ,On which object I need to invoke this method ?
Once the client is created like the following
The client has methods like get_metrics,get_snapshots etc but not anything like get_events.
Could you ple...