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Windows Machine Agents not reporting




I have set up a saas trial account and followed the steps end to end for the below :

Windows 2019 Server -  Agent runs successfully and connects to the saas instance but no metrics showing.

 Windows 10 Desktop -  Agent runs successfully and connects to the saas instance but no metrics showing.

Ubuntu - Agent runs successfully and connects to the saas instance but no metrics showing.



Community Manager

Hi @Frans.Segooa,


Please check out this Knowledge Base Article - Why is the Machine Agent not reporting properly? 


Let me know if it helps out or not.


Ryan, Cisco AppDynamics Community Manager

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Hi @Ryan.Paredez thanks for your issue is that the machine agent does not report at all..I have changed the configs and everything with no luck...

Hi @Frans.Segooa,


Thanks for letting me know. There are some recommended Machine Agent articles on the side. 


Here is one about Machine Agent Deployment


Here is another one about MA failing to report with no error


Please let m know if that helps.


Ryan, Cisco AppDynamics Community Manager

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Hi @Ryan.Paredez  please the below screen of my not reporting servers.



Sample Logs




Hi @Frans.Segooa,


That image is very small, I can't really make out what anything says. We're you able to check out those articles I shared with you?


Did you pull out any of the log info and perform a search of them in the community?


Ryan, Cisco AppDynamics Community Manager

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DESKTOP-SU2S20R==> [main] 11 Feb 2022 13:16:39,342 INFO FlexibleX509TrustManager - Using default keystore for SSL certificate validation.
DESKTOP-SU2S20R==> [main] 11 Feb 2022 13:16:39,831 INFO HostIdProvider - Default Host Identifier Resolver using host name for unique host identifier [DESKTOP-SU2S20R]
DESKTOP-SU2S20R==> [main] 11 Feb 2022 13:16:40,101 INFO MachineLicensePropertiesProvider - Detected Virtual CPU Count: 4
DESKTOP-SU2S20R==> [main] 11 Feb 2022 13:16:40,102 INFO MachineLicensePropertiesProvider - Detected Logical CPU Count: 4
DESKTOP-SU2S20R==> [main] 11 Feb 2022 13:16:40,102 INFO MachineLicensePropertiesProvider - Detected Physical CPU Count: 2
DESKTOP-SU2S20R==> [system-thread-0] 11 Feb 2022 13:16:42,649 INFO SecondStageSystem - Starting main system with features Features(features=[dmm, basic], reason=Features.Reason(message=, code=))
DESKTOP-SU2S20R==> [system-thread-0] 11 Feb 2022 13:16:42,834 INFO SystemAgent - ####################################################################################
DESKTOP-SU2S20R==> [system-thread-0] 11 Feb 2022 13:16:42,835 INFO SystemAgent - Agent Install Directory [C:\appdynamics\machineagent-bundle-64bit-windows-]
DESKTOP-SU2S20R==> [system-thread-0] 11 Feb 2022 13:16:42,835 INFO SystemAgent - Using Agent Version [Machine Agent v22.1.0-3252 GA compatible with Build Date 2022-01-23 09:46:20]
DESKTOP-SU2S20R==> [system-thread-0] 11 Feb 2022 13:16:42,835 INFO SystemAgent - JVM Runtime:
java.vm.vendor=Azul Systems, Inc. 64-Bit Server VM
Default locale=en_ZA
DESKTOP-SU2S20R==> [system-thread-0] 11 Feb 2022 13:16:42,836 INFO SystemAgent - OS Runtime: 10
os.version=10.0 Segooa
user.home=C:\Users\Frans Segooa
DESKTOP-SU2S20R==> [system-thread-0] 11 Feb 2022 13:16:42,836 INFO SystemAgent - JVM Args :
DESKTOP-SU2S20R==> [system-thread-0] 11 Feb 2022 13:16:42,836 INFO SystemAgent - JVM Runtime Name: 8576@DESKTOP-SU2S20R
DESKTOP-SU2S20R==> [system-thread-0] 11 Feb 2022 13:16:42,836 INFO SystemAgent - JVM PID: 8576
DESKTOP-SU2S20R==> [system-thread-0] 11 Feb 2022 13:16:42,836 INFO SystemAgent - Machine Agent is resolving bootstrap info....
DESKTOP-SU2S20R==> [system-thread-0] 11 Feb 2022 13:16:42,949 INFO SystemAgent - Orchestration is disabled - disabling virtualization resolvers by default.
DESKTOP-SU2S20R==> [system-thread-0] 11 Feb 2022 13:16:42,952 INFO SystemAgent - Full Agent Registration Info Resolver found system property [] for [false]
DESKTOP-SU2S20R==> [system-thread-0] 11 Feb 2022 13:16:42,961 INFO SystemAgent - Default Host Identifier Resolver using host name for unique host identifier [DESKTOP-SU2S20R]
DESKTOP-SU2S20R==> [system-thread-0] 11 Feb 2022 13:16:43,048 INFO SystemAgent - Default IP Address Resolver found IP addresses [[, fe80:0:0:0:b10c:3061:cfd9:23da%eth3,, fe80:0:0:0:40e0:4b03:737e:fe66%eth17]]
DESKTOP-SU2S20R==> [system-thread-0] 11 Feb 2022 13:16:43,052 INFO SystemAgent - Full Agent Registration Info Resolver using selfService [false]
DESKTOP-SU2S20R==> [system-thread-0] 11 Feb 2022 13:16:43,053 INFO SystemAgent - Full Agent Registration Info Resolver using ephemeral node setting [false]
DESKTOP-SU2S20R==> [system-thread-0] 11 Feb 2022 13:16:43,053 INFO SystemAgent - Full Agent Registration Info Resolver using application name [Frans-Segooa]
DESKTOP-SU2S20R==> [system-thread-0] 11 Feb 2022 13:16:43,053 INFO SystemAgent - Full Agent Registration Info Resolver using tier name [null]
DESKTOP-SU2S20R==> [system-thread-0] 11 Feb 2022 13:16:43,053 INFO SystemAgent - Full Agent Registration Info Resolver using node name [null]
DESKTOP-SU2S20R==> [system-thread-0] 11 Feb 2022 13:16:43,058 INFO SystemAgent - XML Controller Info Resolver found controller host []
DESKTOP-SU2S20R==> [system-thread-0] 11 Feb 2022 13:16:43,058 INFO SystemAgent - XML Controller Info Resolver found controller port [443]
DESKTOP-SU2S20R==> [system-thread-0] 11 Feb 2022 13:16:43,064 INFO SystemAgent - XML Agent Account Info Resolver using account name [graffiti202201280240054]
DESKTOP-SU2S20R==> [system-thread-0] 11 Feb 2022 13:16:43,064 INFO SystemAgent - XML Agent Account Info Resolver using account access key [****]
DESKTOP-SU2S20R==> [system-thread-0] 11 Feb 2022 13:16:43,066 INFO SystemAgent - Keystore file C:\appdynamics\machineagent-bundle-64bit-windows-\conf\cacerts.jks was not found
DESKTOP-SU2S20R==> [system-thread-0] 11 Feb 2022 13:16:43,077 INFO SystemAgent - Machine Agent resolved bootstrap info!
DESKTOP-SU2S20R==> [system-thread-0] 11 Feb 2022 13:16:43,077 INFO SystemAgent - Creating machine agent scheduler, pool size: 2
DESKTOP-SU2S20R==> [system-thread-0] 11 Feb 2022 13:16:43,085 INFO SystemAgent - Creating machine agent monitor scheduler, pool size: 4
DESKTOP-SU2S20R==> [system-thread-0] 11 Feb 2022 13:16:43,089 INFO SystemAgent - Started Agent Schedulers
DESKTOP-SU2S20R==> [ConfigExecutor-0] 11 Feb 2022 13:16:43,091 INFO DefaultLegacyAgentRegistrationStateManager - Registered machine with machine ID [Optional.of(74588)]
DESKTOP-SU2S20R==> [ConfigExecutor-0] 11 Feb 2022 13:16:43,091 INFO DefaultLegacyAgentRegistrationStateManager - Scheduling System-Agent start...
DESKTOP-SU2S20R==> [system-thread-0] 11 Feb 2022 13:16:43,095 INFO SimAgentRepetitiveLoggingModule - The turnover time for the SIM agent repetitive logger is 5 minutes
DESKTOP-SU2S20R==> [system-thread-0] 11 Feb 2022 13:16:43,096 INFO SimAgentRepetitiveLoggingModule - The cache size for the SIM agent repetitive logger is 1000
DESKTOP-SU2S20R==> [system-thread-0] 11 Feb 2022 13:16:45,343 INFO Fabric8Client - No Kubernetes was detected.
DESKTOP-SU2S20R==> [system-thread-0] 11 Feb 2022 13:16:45,345 INFO DefaultLegacyAgentRegistrationStateManager - Starting machine agent...
DESKTOP-SU2S20R==> [system-thread-0] 11 Feb 2022 13:16:45,345 INFO SystemAgent - Starting Machine Agent....
DESKTOP-SU2S20R==> [system-thread-0] 11 Feb 2022 13:16:45,345 INFO ControllerTimeSkewHandler - Skew Handler is : [enabled].
DESKTOP-SU2S20R==> [system-thread-0] 11 Feb 2022 13:16:46,083 INFO SystemAgent - Full certificate chain validation performed using default certificate file
DESKTOP-SU2S20R==> [system-thread-0] 11 Feb 2022 13:16:46,819 INFO ControllerTimeSkewHandler - Agent timestamp: 1644578206819; Controller timestamp: 1644578172910; Skew value=33909 msec; agentLagging=false
DESKTOP-SU2S20R==> [system-thread-0] 11 Feb 2022 13:16:46,826 INFO ManagedMonitorDelegate - Started Agent Metric Generation Service
DESKTOP-SU2S20R==> [system-thread-0] 11 Feb 2022 13:16:46,831 INFO ManagedMonitorDelegate - Event Service is : [enabled].
DESKTOP-SU2S20R==> [system-thread-0] 11 Feb 2022 13:16:46,842 INFO ManagedMonitorDelegate - Initialized with maxPublishQueueLength [2], aggregationFrequencyInMillis [60000]
DESKTOP-SU2S20R==> [system-thread-0] 11 Feb 2022 13:16:46,844 INFO ManagedMonitorDelegate - Metric Service is : [enabled].
DESKTOP-SU2S20R==> [system-thread-0] 11 Feb 2022 13:16:46,848 INFO ManagedMonitorDelegate - Started Agent Env Properties Service
DESKTOP-SU2S20R==> [system-thread-0] 11 Feb 2022 13:16:46,850 INFO ManagedMonitorDelegate - Scheduled Continuous Task Monitor with frequency [30000]ms
DESKTOP-SU2S20R==> [system-thread-0] 11 Feb 2022 13:16:46,855 INFO MonitorConfigReader - Reading monitor config file:C:\appdynamics\machineagent-bundle-64bit-windows-\monitors\analytics-agent\monitor.xml
DESKTOP-SU2S20R==> [system-thread-0] 11 Feb 2022 13:16:46,860 INFO MonitorConfigReader - os name [windows 10] version [10.0]
DESKTOP-SU2S20R==> [system-thread-0] 11 Feb 2022 13:16:46,868 INFO NodeMonitorManager - Initializing managed monitor [analytics-agent]
DESKTOP-SU2S20R==> [system-thread-0] 11 Feb 2022 13:16:46,869 INFO ManagedMonitorDelegate - Not initializing managed monitor [AppDynamics Analytics Agent] - Disabled in configuration file.
DESKTOP-SU2S20R==> [system-thread-0] 11 Feb 2022 13:16:46,869 INFO MonitorConfigReader - Reading monitor config file:C:\appdynamics\machineagent-bundle-64bit-windows-\monitors\HardwareMonitor\monitor.xml
DESKTOP-SU2S20R==> [system-thread-0] 11 Feb 2022 13:16:46,874 INFO MonitorConfigReader - os name [windows 10] version [10.0]
DESKTOP-SU2S20R==> [system-thread-0] 11 Feb 2022 13:16:46,878 INFO NodeMonitorManager - Initializing managed monitor [HardwareMonitor]
DESKTOP-SU2S20R==> [system-thread-0] 11 Feb 2022 13:16:46,878 INFO ManagedMonitorDelegate - Not initializing managed monitor [HardwareMonitor] - Disabled in configuration file.
DESKTOP-SU2S20R==> [system-thread-0] 11 Feb 2022 13:16:46,879 INFO MonitorConfigReader - Reading monitor config file:C:\appdynamics\machineagent-bundle-64bit-windows-\monitors\JavaHardwareMonitor\monitor.xml
DESKTOP-SU2S20R==> [system-thread-0] 11 Feb 2022 13:16:46,883 INFO MonitorConfigReader - os name [windows 10] version [10.0]
DESKTOP-SU2S20R==> [system-thread-0] 11 Feb 2022 13:16:46,884 INFO NodeMonitorManager - Initializing managed monitor [JavaHardwareMonitor]
DESKTOP-SU2S20R==> [system-thread-0] 11 Feb 2022 13:16:46,884 INFO ManagedMonitorDelegate - Initializing managed monitor [SigarHardwareMonitor]
DESKTOP-SU2S20R==> [system-thread-0] 11 Feb 2022 13:16:46,884 INFO ManagedMonitorDelegate - Executing managed monitor [SigarHardwareMonitor], task name [null]
DESKTOP-SU2S20R==> [system-thread-0] 11 Feb 2022 13:16:46,884 INFO ManagedMonitorDelegate - Task [null] for monitor [SigarHardwareMonitor] is SCHEDULED
DESKTOP-SU2S20R==> [system-thread-0] 11 Feb 2022 13:16:46,890 INFO JavaTaskCreator - Task classpath not specified,System classpath will be used.
DESKTOP-SU2S20R==> [system-thread-0] 11 Feb 2022 13:16:46,961 WARN SigarConfig - No task file found. Will use default configuration. C:\appdynamics\machineagent-bundle-64bit-windows-\monitors\JavaHardwareMonitor\task.xml
DESKTOP-SU2S20R==> [system-thread-0] 11 Feb 2022 13:16:46,961 INFO SigarDelegate - Operating system is supported [Win32]
DESKTOP-SU2S20R==> [system-thread-0] 11 Feb 2022 13:16:53,355 INFO NodeMonitorManager - Directory [C:\appdynamics\machineagent-bundle-64bit-windows-\monitors\unmanaged] not found, continuing.
DESKTOP-SU2S20R==> [system-thread-0] 11 Feb 2022 13:16:53,355 INFO AgentMonitorManager - Initialized System Monitor Manager with directory [C:\appdynamics\machineagent-bundle-64bit-windows-\monitors]
DESKTOP-SU2S20R==> [system-thread-0] 11 Feb 2022 13:16:53,355 INFO SystemAgent - Set up agent monitor manager
DESKTOP-SU2S20R==> [system-thread-0] 11 Feb 2022 13:16:53,357 INFO SystemAgent - Orchestration is disabled - disabling one-way agent transport. The agent will not be able to execute workflow tasks.
DESKTOP-SU2S20R==> [system-thread-0] 11 Feb 2022 13:16:53,362 INFO SystemAgentConfigManager - Scheduling configuration refresh at an interval of 60 seconds
DESKTOP-SU2S20R==> [system-thread-0] 11 Feb 2022 13:16:53,362 INFO SystemAgentConfigManager - Configuration refresh task interval is 60 seconds
DESKTOP-SU2S20R==> [system-thread-0] 11 Feb 2022 13:16:53,363 INFO SystemAgent - Configuration manager successfully configured
DESKTOP-SU2S20R==> [system-thread-0] 11 Feb 2022 13:16:53,365 INFO RunbookHandler - Runbook Operation Execution is : [enabled].
DESKTOP-SU2S20R==> [system-thread-0] 11 Feb 2022 13:16:53,365 INFO SystemAgent - Started AppDynamics Machine Agent Successfully.

I just started the agent and attached the logs...still no metrics on appD

Hi @Frans.Segooa,


Thanks for sharing that extra info. Let's see if the community can jump in and help. If you also happen to find a solution or workaround, please come back and share it here. 




Ryan, Cisco AppDynamics Community Manager

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