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What are the steps to installing and validating a Machine Agent?


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How do I install the AppDynamics Machine Agent?

  1. Download the latest Machine Agent from

  2. Unzip the folder on the server to be monitored

  3. Navigate to Machine Agent home folder > conf > controller-info.xml

  4. Input the following information

    Host name or IP address


    Same host used to access AppDynamics browser-based UI
    <controller-host> controller</controller-host>

    Can be overridden with the environment variable CONTROLLER_HOST_NAME or the system property

    HTTPS port


    Same port used to access AppDynamics browser-based UI
    <controller-port>443(for SaaS)/On prem controller port</controller-port>

    If <Controller-ssl-enabled> below (“c”), is set to “true” specify the HTTPS port of the Controller (default is 8181). If it is not, instead specify the HTTP port (default is 8090)

    Can be overridden with the environment variable 
    CONTROLLER_CONTROLLER_PORT or the system property

    Specify whether to use SSL (HTTPS) to connect



    If <Controller-ssl-enabled>, is set to “true” here, specify the HTTPS port of the Controller above (“b”) (default is 8181); if it is not set to true, instead specify the HTTP port (default is 8090).

    Can be overridden with the environment variable
    CONTROLLER_CONTROLLER_SSL_ENABLED or the system property

    Account access key


    The account access key is generated at installation. You can find it with the License information in the Controller Settings. 

    <account-access-key> xxxxxx</account-access-key>

    Can be overridden with the environment variable
    APPDYNAMICS_AGENT_ACCOUNT_ACCESS_KEY or the system property ‘-Dappdynamics.agent.accountAccessKey'

    Account name


    If the AppDynamics Controller is running in multi-tenant mode, or if you’re using the AppDynamics SaaS Controller, you must specify the account name for this agent to authenticate with the controller:


    If you’re running in single-tenant mode (the default), you don’t need to configure this value.

    Can be overridden with the environment variable
    APPDYNAMICS_AGENT_ACCOUNT_NAME or the system property

    Server monitoring enabled/disabled


    If this agent is licensed for server monitoring, set this flag to true to enable Server Monitoring expanded metrics.
    <sim-enabled>true(for server visibility)</sim-enabled>

    Can be overridden with the environment variable
    APPDYNAMICS_AGENT_SIM_ENABLED or the system property

    .NET compatibility mode enabled/disabled


    Optional  If there is a .NET Agent on the same server, enable .NET compatibility

  5. Navigate to <MachineAgent-Home> and run script InstallService.vbs. This will configure the Machine Agent as a service as well as start it.


How do I validate that your deployed Machine Agent is reporting?

To validate that the Machine Agent is reporting on the Controller, navigate to Settings, then AppDynamics Agents. Click the Machine Agent tab.

Version history
Last update:
‎07-12-2022 12:17 PM
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