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Community Manager

Hello Community,

We are being hit with a massive spam attack this is still ongoing. 

For the time being, I have had to make the difficult decision to lock down the community from any new posts or replies being made until further steps can be taken to stop the bot attack.

I apologize if you received numerous unwanted community emails as a result. Although our filters managed to catch most of the spam, some still made it through.

I am currently reviewing our filtering systems to identify improvements and ensure that such incidents are minimized in the future.

I'm doing my best to review all the flagged spam posts to try and catch any false reports. If you noticed your post was caught by spam, please send me a Private Message and I can find it and remove it. 

Thank you for your understanding and patience. We appreciate your continued support and apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.


Ryan, Cisco AppDynamics Community Manager