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Forum Posts

How to remove view access of Dash studio dashboard

Hi Team,   I am trying to remove the view permission of a particular user for a dashboard. I want the user should be able to view only 1 dashboard. This worked for the standard dashboard part but in the dash studio though the user was not able to see...

Resolved! Import Dashboard Using Controller API and Postman Tool

I am trying to export and import a dashboard using the Controller API, and using the Postman tool. Ref export, I have this working OK:I created an API Client with the administrator roleI used the Controller API with the API Client credentials to gene...

Conditional metric value

Hi All, I have to show specific strings in my dashboard based on the metric value. So is it possible to show in metric value widget like if metric value =1 then show ABC and if metric value =2 then show XYZ? Basically need to add conditional output i...

Network impact on transaction

Hello   Earlier when we interrogate Error or Stall transactions, we could get this view (this is from 25-May-21).   We are trying to get this view since yesterday and it's not available. What could be the reason?  Any license issue or any update in t...


Specific time based Health Rules

Hi, I also have the same issue    I want to trigger the alert like below. Once the alert starts, there should an alert. After a certain amount of time, say 4 hours, I should get another alert. I should not get the alert in between.   Did anyone reply...

what exactly is a business transaction

I am connecting a java agent to the saas controller. Looking at the business transactions tab, I see a lot of entries. Some with the '.do'  at the end (which I've found  to be 'servlet' and others with '.execute' (-servlet) or 'jsp' (-servlet). Now, ...

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