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Community access restored to most members

I've been able to make some changes to restore community engagement access to most members.

Follow the blog post for up to date information

We thank you for your patience while we get this fixed

Forum Posts

Dual axis chart - shared axis for more metrics?

Hello, does anybody know how to set shared axis ranges for more metrics using dual-axis chart?  Actually, when I add more than 1 metric on the right (or left) axis, the widget creates ranges for every metric, which is unusable.   Use case: I want to ...


Unable to see data on AppD DashBoard

Hi,   There are transactions and the application is in production and is on load pretty much all the time. Yet the dashboard is empty.   Please see attaching screenshot below,  


Resolved! How to change colors of bar charts?

Is there a way to change the default colors of the bars in a bar chart?  I can change the color of the font, but I can't find an option to change the color of the bars in the bar chart widget.Thanks.

uptime metrics of a web page

Hello,   Is there a simple way to render the Availability rate of a webpage in AppDynamics?  I found  SAM which doesn't exist anymore.    vincent

How to remove view access of Dash studio dashboard

Hi Team,   I am trying to remove the view permission of a particular user for a dashboard. I want the user should be able to view only 1 dashboard. This worked for the standard dashboard part but in the dash studio though the user was not able to see...

Documentation on metrics displayed on tier popup

Hello,When you open a business transaction flow map and you click on a tier, an information popup opens. It shows "Response Time", but on the right of that same tier, there are 3 numbers. One appears to be a response time. Is there any reason why tho...