End User Monitoring (EUM)
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Forum Posts

Resolved! How to manage EUM license

Can we enable EUM for specific applications with same key ? As I have to deploy same application different env but i dont want to allow EUM from all the different envs ? Is it possible to have env name in it filter usage based on application env ?

Resolved! Browser synthetic monitoring

I am not able to capture a pop-up login window from one of the page while capturing with  Katalon Recorder (Selenium IDE + Code Export)   Due to which the Python script fails.   Please Help

Resource Fetch Breakdown Ability

By defaule the resource fetch time appears as just one summed value for all image/css/js resources on the page, is there any way to break this down more?   I'm trying to determine what specific resource is taking up the bulk of that time.    

Resolved! Synthetic Private Agent and Linux

Hello, is it possible to install Synthetic Private Agent 4.4 and later on a Linux server? Doing so, is it possible to start the agent as a service, the way we do for example with Machine Agent(Server Visibility) or .Net Agent on Windows server?