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Forum Posts

Resolved! Export of Workflow Diagram to Visio

I'm currently interested in taking my existing workflow  display and exporting this to a Visio diagram, However, I have yet to find a viable export option.   Even if I could export as a standard PNG (Or gif as that would allow motion).  The purpose i...

Resolved! Unable to add volume specific metrics to dashboards

I am not sure why you can't add things you can search for in the metric browser, but no data will show for stats such as this.   Application Infrastructure Performance|Root|Individual Nodes|<server>|Hardware Resources|Volumes|/var|Used (%)   Has anyo...

Resolved! Renaming Nodes

HI ALL, I am renaming Nodes in the Tiers & Nodes but my changes were not reflecting and it seems like i have to modify some config file. i only made changes in the UI for remaning Nodes. Could anyone let me know how i need to modify app agent configu...

Custom Flow Map from API Data

Hello,   I'd like to make a custom map of applications, using the AppDynamics data. The idea is to see what application call the others.   I get all the Tiers from 1 BusinessApplication (Nodes). How can I get the interactions between Tiers? (Arrows) ...

pouet12 by New Member
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Resolved! Appliction Health Status in Dashboard View

Hello, When i see the Overall applications health in the app dashboard view, i see one of my application health status is showing in red color, but BT and Nodes are in green color.  I've attached snapshot of it. Could someone please advise on this. R...

Resolved! Total calls of a BT in Custom Dashboard

Hi there,   I'd like to know if it's possible to have a metric such as "Total calls of a Business Transaction" (in a time range). Tried using SUM and COUNT of "Calls per minute" but it didn't work quite right.   Thanks in advance, - Gabriel Saldanha ...

Resolved! auto login to view a dashboard from a frame in a HTML page

Hello, My client wants to display some dashboard on a tv screen. The TV is connected to a tiny windows based computer which is hooked up to local lan. We want the dashboard to appear in an iframe.   Question is how to auto login (no manual credential...

Resolved! AppDynamic's Dashboard sharing to external website

I want to Share the AppDynamic's Dashboards in an external website under an <iframe> so that the reports(statistics) can be visible without logging into the AppDynamic tool on an external website. Requirements : Need to get the Dashboard's Public URL...