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Forum Posts

How can I get an export of all agents?

I would like to get the online & offline agents in a dump report with CSV for pdf format. This will help me to do health checks everyday on all agents installed and running. As I found there are few step which will help 1. Using snipping tool 2. Chro...

Creating a dashboard with custom metrics

Hi team,   We have a windows standalone server and we have installed the machine agent.   We've tried to make Dashboard and reports, however, it's not working. Can someone here help with some sample dashboards?   https://community.appdynamics.com/t5/...

Resolved! Custom Health Rules Problem

Hi,   I have a problem with my custom health rules.   I have created a custom metric to check for some service, I can see it on the metric browser or in a widget on the dashboard and it works fine. (and for other metric than service)   But when I nee...


Resolved! Y axis min max

^This post was asked by an anonymous member   Hi. I would like to be able to set Y-axis min and max. Currently, the dashboard will automatically scale Y-axis depending on the values. It will show me a change from 78 to 81 as a gigantic spike. For my ...

Msmq queue depth monitoring and reporting

I see a IBM MQ extenion and I am looking for a similar extension for MSMQ, but I am not able to find one. Can someone share their experience on how they may have implemented Msmq queue depth monitoring and reporting.Thanks in Advance.Manish

The ability to add custom time frames together to make one and have more time frames to choose from such as "Working Hours" "Night Hours" etc.

Dear APPD,   It would be helpful if we had the ability to add custom time frames together to make a single custom time frame that would then be used during a particular analysis; additionally, simply adding more default time frames to choose from suc...