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AppDynamics Team


To instrument your application for EUM, you will need to configure your JavaScript Agent and insert it into the page that is returned to the end user. This process is known as injection. It is important to complete the injection process completely and accurately in order to see EUM metrics in the Controller and fetch reports.


There are three injection types that you can use depending on your use application type and framework: 

  1. Automatic
  2. Assisted
  3. Manual


Some require you to modify the page, while others don’t involve any code changes. You should choose the one supported for your type of application. If you are unsure of which method to use, refer to our guide on choosing an injection method.


Automatic injection

Automatic injection is done in the Controller UI, so you do not need to modify your code at all. If you have a application that is instrumented with our Java/.Net Application Agent, you can go in the APM application's Configuration > User Experience App Integration module and turn on automatic injection. With this method, the server-side app agent manages injecting the code at runtime for you. It is supported only for application pages that are built on Jasper-supported JSP (for Java), ASP.NET, or ASPX (.NET) frameworks. Refer to the full documentation for details: Automatic Injection of the Javascript Agent


Assisted injection

Assisted injection is when your server-side application injects the JavaScript Agent into your browser application and it has two variants. One variant, attribute injection, requires direct copying of the code snippets into your page template. The other variant, injection rules, does not require any direct code changes since your agent will do that based on your injection rules. Refer to the full documentation for details: Assisted Injection


Manual injection

This is supported on all platforms and frameworks and requires the JavaScript Agent to be configured in your application pages directly, which are hosted on your application server. Refer to the full documentation for details: Manual Injection of the Javascript Agent


This is relatively straightforward method in which you need to put the below config code at the start of <head> tag. Make sure that the adrum script is the first one after <head> tag in case you have multiple script tags in your code. Additionally it’s also important that you add the adrum script after any <meta> tags if they exist in your code or this might break page functionality.


window['adrum-start-time'] = new Date().getTime();
   config.appKey = 'YOUR APP KEY';
   config.adrumExtUrlHttp = '';
   config.adrumExtUrlHttps = '';
   config.beaconUrlHttp = '';
   config.beaconUrlHttps = '';
   config.xd = {enable : false};
})(window['adrum-config'] || (window['adrum-config'] = {}));
<script src=''></script>


If you want to host the '' please download and replace the path in the last <script> tag accordingly.


Additional Resources

You can also find these related links useful for understanding this entire concept:

Injection problems

How to configure the JavaScript Agent

Injection using Nginx

Injection using Apache

How do add custom user data via automatic injection

How to inject the 4.3+ EUM Javascript Agent using an F5 iRule


New Member

I want to monitor our application home page and some of other synthetic journeys.

I am still not confident about injecting java script. Could you please provide any other doc consist of step by step info to injecting the script

AppDynamics Team (Retired)

Hi, @Parul.Chaudhary 


When you find information that helps you, please share it with the community. Others may have the same question.


Thank you so much,

Claudia Landivar

Community Manager & Editor


Version history
Last update:
‎08-01-2018 04:20 PM
Updated by:
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