Consider the following scenarios:
You have an on-premises multi-tenant controller and a EUM server (on-prem or SaaS).You have one EUM license with 10 units. You want to split an assigned number of units to a new tenant.
To split EUM units and pro...
This article outlines how to troubleshoot the Java Agent when Transaction Analytics is not receiving any data.
Table of Contents
How do I start troubleshooting missing transaction data?
How do I test for communication issues between agents?
How d...
The ISP (Internet Service Provider) or Carrier information can be captured as part of requests but ISP (Carrier) monitoring in EUM in on-premise installations is turned off by default. The ISP feature is behind a feature flag that you will need to e...
For demo purposes when the customer wants to install everything (i.e. Enterprise Console, Controller, Events service and EUM ) on the same node, the steps below can be used to install the Events Service on the same node as Enterprise Console...
If you are using one of our SAAS EUM Clouds in North America, Europe, and APAC region, below are the instrumentation customizations required to set the collector and config endpoint.
North AmericaEuropeAPAC
North America
Hi Abdul,
As per the logs, the ES seems to have started but the EC is not able to get the health check report from each node. Maybe the events-service or elasticsearch process went down again.
Go on each node and verify if both events-service and e...
Hi Haluk, If you have a BRUM analytics license, then try,- Create analytics metrics from browser requests events with ADQL filtering such events.- You can later use the above-defined metric in your Health rule and - Define alerts for the Health rule....
Hi Kishore, In 4.4 the errorT.stack present but it was not written to show up anywhere in the controller UI. In 4.5 AppDynamics have decided to drop it. See, So as a wor...