End User Monitoring (EUM)
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Forum Posts

EUM App-Key generation for Trial Account

Hi, I want to integrate AppDynamics into my Xamarin Application. I created a trial Account with AppDynamics. Is it possible to create an iOS user Agent, through a Trial Account? I am unable to get the EUM App-Key for my Trial Account.   Govind.

Resolved! Event Service not able to start

Hi Team,I have recently install the AppDynamics platform admin on Linux Server and successfully install the controller through GUI. But I am not able to install Event Service.(Note :- I have Two Linux Server, One for Platform Admin & Controller. The ...

event-service error 1.jpg event-service error 2.jpg

Uploading dSYM files automatically

Hi, I am trying to upload the dSYM files automatically in the pipeline by hitting the Appdynamics REST APIs. Would like to know, how can I do it using API tokens? 1. I want to generate the token using Appdynamics REST API.  The token generation API r...

VCT swapped places with EURT?

Hello. In monitoring our application VCT and EURT we noticed that for all of Q3 the VCT was taking longer than EURT. Then all of a sudden it switched and now VCT is less than EURT. Seems to me that VCT should almost always be short than EURT. Is this...