End User Monitoring (EUM)
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Forum Posts

EUM Ajax context data is empty

Hi,I am trying to setup the Ajax handler to capture extra data from the request payload but context.data is always empty. Any idea why its empty?{"url": "https://xyz.com/vevents","method": "POST","data": "","responseHeaders": ""}https://docs.appdynam...

Custom user data

I am trying to set up custom user data to capture user id of the user using Ajax request payload via HTTP method and URL method but unable to execute with both methods and it is not showing up in the Network tab under developer tools. Could someone h...

Resolved! How to set job as failed if exception occurs

Hi,I have a synthetic script that sometimes ends a run as a "broken job". I see in the documentation that this happens because of an unhandled exception.So I added:try:....     wait.until(EC.element_to_be_clickable((By.ID, "username"))).click()except...