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Forum Posts

Resolved! Health Rule Condition

When we apply any health rule in dasboard does it show normal status even if health rule is disabled? Any idea on it..   Appd: 4.3

Resolved! how to change time in pdf report sent as scheduled

hi Everyone, faced a strange problem - dashboard showed right timezone, but when I schedule dashboard as a report I got absolutely another time and what is weird - whatever timezone I choose before sending, I get the same time in received pdf file re...

Resolved! How to add custom user data via automatic injection

I am working with a client that is building a linkage between the output from CAST AIP ( Static code analysis) and Appdynamics. We analyze code for defect patterns and create scores/sets of violations for the objects in the code.  The client would li...

Resolved! Can we have data from warehouse to AppDynamics

Considering we enable transaction tracking for IIB using the Application Performance Monitoring Agent for IBM Integration Bus and history data is collected. The question here is can we pull data from warehouse into AppDynamics? Or even pull data from...

Resolved! Application Appd Dashboard

When I am viewing Appd Application Dashbord which is automaticaly created . I am getting view as Application flow map (graphical view)   I am not getting the Flow map view Icon. Could you please suggest.     Thanks  Siva Puli