since ‎03-07-2016

User Statistics

  • 14 Posts
  • 3 Solutions
  • 2 Kudos given
  • 7 Kudos received

User Activity

I am in the process of integrating AppDynamics with our build tool. I am going to add a step in the build to create an APPLICATION_DEPLOYMENT event whenever there is a code deployment to the production server. I have experimented with the event gener...
Our organization has been using the AppDynamics Java agent with IBM Websphere for a number of years. This is our first attempt to get the Java agent working with Tomcat. When the Tomcat application server starts up, we get Connection Refused error me...
I have been trying to find or create a way to monitor an Oracle SQL query for elapsed time. I decided to try to use the Command Watcher extension on the Machine Agent for Linux.  I have created a small Java program that takes the system time at the s...
I have a requirement for reporting on the performance of a specific query in Oracle. The performance of this query serves as a proxy for the performance of a very old Oracle Forms application. I have been looking for a way to gather this data but so ...