hello all,
I'm trying to install Controller jobs and I get this error.
Task failed: Upload os packages prerequisite validation script on host: smartnet-virtual-machine as user: smartnet with message: Error occurred while performing the file opera...
hello all,I try to start enterprise console after finishing installing it in Ubuntuwith https://host-virtual-machine:9191and dosn't strat (Unable to connect)i tried navigate to /bin and start-platform-admin through terminaland "i get command not foun...
Hello all,
lately, I got an on-prem license on VM Mac Address.
I received the license mail but I got some problems to start.
1- the old controller license still reading the old SaaS free trial license and I couldn't change it.
because I need to in...
Hello Philip,yes i try to install on-prem paid license , i have access till 24-FEB and i need help ,i try to click help center link but doesn't work , i will send you more details in message
Hello ,Did that solve the issue with you ?and controller_data_min_disk_space_in_mb = 5120 * 1024 i should modify it to which number,and i have 409 GB free on my disk
Hello philip,i already tried your cmd line but dosn't work too.I Solved this issue byre-install the enterprise console by navigate to the root through the CLI cmd linebash platform-admin.sh start-platform-adminThanks