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After making changes to geo mapping files, the EUM Server fails to start up. We see the below error in the EUM processor log:


1 Jan 2017 09:00:56.972 +0000 main AD.ALL ERROR 
| Error Starting EUM Processor Server
| Unable to create injector, see the following errors:
| 1) Error in custom provider, com.appdynamics.eum.geo.local.LocalXmlConfigException: Error parsing XML: null
| at com.appdynamics.eumcloud.OnPremModule.getGeoResolver(
| at com.appdynamics.eumcloud.OnPremModule.getGeoResolver(
| while locating com.appdynamics.eum.geo.api.GeoResolver
| Caused by: com.appdynamics.eum.geo.local.LocalXmlConfigException: Error parsing XML: null



Looking at the error message, the EUM process is unable to parse the mapping.xml file. The changes made to the mapping file is not in a valid format and hence the resulting xml file is not proper. 



Validate the mapping.xml file and make the changes in the proper format so that it can be parsed by the EUM processor.


Before making any changes to the working mapping file, always keep a back-up so that you can revert back to the original file if the new edited one is malformed.

Version history
Last update:
‎12-21-2018 04:54 PM
Updated by:
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