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How do I install a PHP Agent on Debian/Ubuntu Linux?
How do I troubleshoot an error in which the Agent doesn't report to the SaaS Controller?


Install the PHP Agent on Debian/Ubuntu Linux (No RHEL/Centos) by following the instructions in Install the PHP Agent.



Troubleshoot reporting issues to the SaaS Controller

In certain situations, the Agent doesn't report information to the AppDynamics SaaS Controller. To troubleshoot, please:


  1. Confirm that you have a file appdynamics_agent.ini on your /etc/php5
  2. Confirm that the mentioned file is on /etc/php5/cli/conf.d/ copy it to /etc/php5/apache2/conf.d
  3. Restart Apache.


Installing a Machine Agent to server monitoring

To install the machine agent to server monitoring, remember to execute this command on the same line:

$MACHINEAGENTHOME/jre/bin/java -jar $MACHINEAGENTHOME/machineagent.jar



Editor's Note: Please see PHP Agent installation troubleshooting guide for further information.

Version history
Last update:
‎06-26-2020 12:14 AM
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