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AppDynamics Team (Retired)

As of version 4.2.x, the EUM Server is not available for High Availability out of the box.


High Availability Controller deployment is available to help minimize disruptions caused by server or network failure, administrative downtime, and other interruptions. Those interested can view this overview of High Availability.


If you are interested in having your EUM Server run in High Availability, please contact your account representative and our professional services engineers to discuss the available options. 

Vaibhav Vir.Singh

I see this thread is not updated since two years but interested to know if there are any efforts to make eum highly available deployment architecture?

Not sure why appd didn't put much focus on such key architecture requirements.





Talk to your sales rep. Ask for the roadmap presentation. All I can say.....

AppDynamics Team (Retired)

Hey there, @Vaibhav Vir.Singh and @Gunnar.Svanberg — Thanks for calling this out!


I checked into it and learned that we're currently working on End User Management High Availability and are considering a targeted Beta. If you'd like to engage in Beta testing, please reach out to your account team.

Vaibhav Vir.Singh

Thanks Claudia @Claudia.Landivar .

We did reach out to them but i think it's still not GA.


One more thing - one feedback in general, i think Appdynamics as product should work in more Agile fashion than just calling out releases with no major outcomes.


To elaborate, i think we have provided multiple inputs and requirements to make Appd more mature but the time taken to get things accomplished is either like months\years OR once it is availble,  nobody is interested in those things (like dash-studio).


Few e.g. - 

  • Remediation of vulnerabilities (it takes ages to get it removed)
  • New Architecture with Continuous Availability of the application\Controllers (and not just Active Passive sort of Architecture). 
  • EUM as HA deployment
  • Single Agent (like your competitor) with less pain for installation. Currently Installation & Configurations are separate journeys for us.
  • Agent Upgrade is pain - there should be some option to auto-upgrade either automatically or push via Appd console. etc etc

I think we have shouted all this last year and back but still don't see any solid effort been taken. Though i am already working with our internal partners but thought to share my thoughts over here as well.




AppDynamics Team (Retired)

Hi, @Vaibhav Vir.Singh 


Thanks for the feedback.


One resource that comes to mind is the Idea Exchange — where  AppDynamics customers can "share, vote, and discuss product enhancements that need innovative thinking. Once an idea is submitted, customers are able to vote and comment on each other's ideas."


This article offers an overview of how to participate in the Idea Exchange, from submittal to discussion and voting, as well as what to expect from the process. 


Kind regards,

Claudia Landivar

Community Manager & Editor

Vaibhav Vir.Singh

Hey Claudia @Claudia.Landivar ,

Thanks for sharing this. I tried sometime back as well but i get below error message.

Access Denied
Sorry... This page is not available. Please email if you feel you have reached this page in error and need further help. AppDynamics employees may slack #community-help-me.
AppDynamics Team (Retired)

Hi, @Vaibhav Vir.Singh 

You may have previously tried the Idea Exchange before it was generally available (when the error message you referenced would have allowed you to request to be included). If you try it again and have a problem, do let us know. That would no longer be an expected behavior now that it's live.


Another constraint to note is that the Idea Exchange is available to current customers signed in using their SSO-validated email. Idea Exchange isn't available to trial or free customers.


Hope this helps!

Claudia Landivar

Community Manager & Editor

Version history
Last update:
‎09-05-2018 04:30 PM
Updated by:
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