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EUM for a multi-tenant Controller is slightly different than the license for a single Controller. The EUM account mentioned in the license file can only be used for one of the multi-tenant accounts.

If there is a need to split the EUM usage across multiple Controller accounts, then separate licenses with different EUM account names will be provided and the total units will be divided among those licenses.


The customer must provide all of these licenses to the EUM server, but only enter the production license in the Controller home directory.


The license.lic file applies to the entire Controller, not for any given account when in multi-tenant mode. This means, for example, a user with 100 Java units in the license.lic file can not exceed 100 Java APM units across all accounts, and any accounts created in the Admin section of the Controller UI would pull values from that license file


Table of Contents

How do I request the EUM units for a multi-tenant controller?

How do I provision licenses on a EUM server? 

How do I provision EUM licenses for accounts on a multi-tenant Controller UI?


How do I request EUM licenses for a multi-tenant Controller?

To split EUM units and provision the EUM licenses, contact the Sales team and request a EUM license with <x> number of units. They will usually provide two licenses.


First license: The previous license with the old EUM account name and access key, but with updated units = 10 - x units = 10 - x
Second License:  License with the new EUM account name and access key, but with the requested number of units units = x


NOTE: Be sure to leave the EUM account name or access key of the previous license unchanged. Alterations to them may cause a change in the EUM app-key in the application associated with the previous EUM account.


On receiving both licenses, SaaS customers should provision them on their EUM server. Both SaaS and on-premises customers should provision them on their multi-tenant Controller. See the instructions below:


Step 1: How do I provision licenses on an EUM server?

Licenses need to be provisioned on SaaS. On-premises customers should skip to the next section,  How do I provision EUM licenses on a multi-tenant Controller UI.

  1. Go to the EUM server (remotely hosted). 
  2. Provision both licenses one by one on the EUM server using the following command:
$> cd EUM/eum-processor
$> ./bin/ <PATH TO LICENSE>


See the instructions for provisioning EUM licenses here. Then, once the license is provisioned on the EUM server, proceed with the following steps:


Step 2: How do I provision EUM licenses for accounts on a multi-tenant Controller UI?

  1. Navigate to the Administration page of your on-premise Controller: http(s)://<hostname>:<port>/controller/admin.jsp
  2. Click Accounts.
  3. Select the account name that you want to provision EUM for and click Edit.
  4. Scroll down to the End User Monitoring (EUM) panel.
  5. From the Browser Real User Monitoring section:
    • Copy the EUM license key from your license file into the EUM License Key field.
    • From the License Type drop-down, select a license type (EUM Lite or EUM Pro).
    • Enter your allotted Browser RUM units into the Browser RUM Units Licensed field.
    • Set overages from the Allow Overages drop-down.
  6. Complete the steps above for the Mobile Real User Monitoring section.
  7. Click Save.


Repeat the 7 steps above for both (or all) tenant accounts.

Version history
Last update:
‎02-19-2020 11:15 AM
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