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11:00 AM
- edited on
11:01 AM
NOTE: This article is self-service content for on-premises Controller versions v4.3 and prior. For assistance with subsequent versions of on-premises Controller, please reach out to your AppDynamics representative for further Professional Services.
Use information points to define custom metrics based on methods you configure. Information points are similar to data collectors. However, while data collectors show application data in the context of a business transaction, information points reflect data state across all invocations of a method, independently of business transactions.
Steps to follow:
1) Information point 1:
Name = MetricDataInserter.doMetricDataInsertWithSort
Class = ter
Method = doMetricDataInsertWithSort
Custom Metric = metric count (see attached doMetricDataInsertWithSort_count.png )
2) Information point 2:
Name = Metric Upload Queue Wait Time
Class = cessorBean
Method = reportMetricUploadQueueWaitTime
Custom Metric = reportMetricUploadQueueWaitTime.waitTimeMS (see attached reportMetricUploadQueueWaitTim e.waitTimeMS.png)
3) Custom POJO BT Match rule:
Left Menu -> Configuration -> Instrumentation -> Select application (or App Server Tier if it shows green tick mark at this) -> Custom Match Rule -> Create new POJO rule
Name = MetricUploadProcessorBean.handleSingleRequestBackground
Match Class equals = MetricUploadProcessorBean
Method equals = handleSingleRequestBackground
Hi thank you for this : does this apply also for AA - 4.5.19 running on controller reporting to controller version 20.04.0
if not can to provide the proper setup
Thanks in advance
Hello, @Anonymous
Thank you for pointing this out. I checked with @Harish.Kumar and he confirmed that the latest Controller will not work with the instructions in the article.
We are working on a revision of the article to include the necessary changes, so please bear with us but I don't have definitive timing for the completion of that process. Please contact your AppDynamics representative for Professional Services help.
In the meantime, I've marked the article so other Community members see the version issue right away. Thank you, again, for saving others' time with your question.
Claudia Landivar
Community Manager & Editor
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