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AppDynamics Team

How do I resolve a Controller error message for exceeded custom metric limits for DB monitoring?

Users unable to add new custom metrics using the database monitoring tool may see the following error displayed in the Controller UI:

Error messageError message

This issue occurs when the default limit for database monitoring has been reached. 

By default, database monitoring supports up to 20 custom metrics per database. When this limit is reached, the tool will not create any new custom metrics and the above error is displayed.

To resolve this issue, the user can configure the following property to a higher value. 

  1. Within the Controller UI, using root login, access the admin.jsp page and change the following property value:


  2. Click Save


Configure custom metricsConfigure custom metrics 


Thanks for share the link, But i already used this steps but still showing the alerts.



Version history
Last update:
‎09-16-2022 01:49 PM
Updated by:
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