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To make sure you complete all the tasks necessary for upgrading your Dynamic Language Agents after a release, we recommend following the instructions below.


NOTE: The information in this article is not release-specific. You can reference it for any release


Table of Contents


Prepare to upgrade your EUM servers, agents and SDKs

  1. Review the Product Announcements and Alerts page for details on any intermediate versions between the current version of your instance and the version you are targeting.

  2. Review the compatibility matrix in our Community and documentation for various components of the AppDynamics environment.

  3. Review our EUM component compatibility article for details specific to EUM.

  4. Review the Mobile Agent Version and Deployment Support Matrix to determine the minimum versions of the Controller and EUM Server required for supporting the latest features of the Mobile Agents.

  5. For platforms where the Controller, EUM Server, and Events Service are being upgraded at the same time, the Controller version should be less than or equal to (<=) the Events Service version and you should perform the upgrades in a specific order.

    See the 
    Upgrade Platform Components documentation for details on the upgrade order. For example, the Events Service should be upgraded before the EUM server. This documentation also instructions for upgrading the Events Service.


Planning your upgrades

Considerations for upgrading an on-premises EUM Server and EUM Agent and SDK are different. See each below.


Plan your on-premises EUM Server upgrade

  • The EUM Server version should be less than or equal to (<=) the Events Service version

  • Ensure the key matches between the Events Service, EUM Server, and Controller:
    analytics.accountAccessKey == ad.accountmanager.key.eum

    For instructions on configuring EUM connection settings, see: Connect to the Events Service

  • See Upgrade the Production EUM Server for step-by-step instructions. In addition to upgrading your server, you will need to follow the instructions on migrating your EUM data.

    For the v4.5 production EUM Server, the EUM MySQL database has been moved from the Controller host machine to the EUM Server host machine.



Plan your EUM agent and SDK upgrades


  • For platforms where the Controller, EUM Server, and Events Service are being upgraded at the same time, the Controller version should be lesser than or equal to (<=) the Events Service version.

  • You must perform the upgrades in a specific order. For example, be sure to upgrade the Events Service before the EUM Server.  See Upgrade Platform Components for details on the upgrade order. 


How to upgrade your EUM Server, Agent, and SDK

See below for the considerations for upgrading your on-premises EUM Server, EUM Agent and SDK.


How do I upgrade my on-premises EUM Server?

  • The EUM Server version should be less than or equal to (<=) the Events Service version

  • Ensure the key matches between the Events Service, EUM Server, and Controller:
    analytics.accountAccessKey == ad.accountmanager.key.eum

    For instructions on configuring EUM connection settings, see: Connect to the Events Service

  • See Upgrade the Production EUM Server for step-by-step instructions. In addition to upgrading your server, you will need to follow the instructions on migrating your EUM data.

    For the 4.5 production EUM Server, the EUM MySQL database has been moved from the Controller host machine to the EUM Server host machine.



How do I upgrade EUM Agents and SDKs?

  1. Upgrade the JavaScript Agent

Note: If you are a 4.4 SaaS customer and have an EUM license, we recommend upgrading to the latest JavaScript Agent. See Upgrade the JavaScript Agent.

  1. Upgrade the Mobile Agents
  2. Upgrade the IoT SDKs


Additional Resources

Instructions for upgrading other AppDynamics components are available in our general article, How do I get started with upgrading my AppDynamics components?

Version history
Last update:
‎12-18-2020 12:58 AM
Updated by:
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