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What are the steps to enabling DEBUG mode for logging?

Updated on 7/26/18


Most AppDynamics app agents use INFO level logging by default. Sometimes, it is useful to collect logs with DEBUG level logging—for example:

  • when confirming life cycle phases to debug configuration issues, or
  • when AppDynamics Support requests DEBUG logs. 

Once DEBUG mode is enabled, apply load on the application and collect the debug logs. 


Table of Contents


How do I enable DEBUG  level logging?

  1. On the Agents tab of the Nodes dashboard, scroll to the Agent Operations panel.
  2. Click Request Agent Log Files
  3. By default the agent zips all logs in the agent log directory into one zip file.
    • For the Java Agent or PHP Agent, you can select one of the other options:
      Output from a specific logger at a set level, for a fixed duration:
      use com.singularity and select Logger Level=Debug, Specify a duration, such as 15 minutes. 

  4. (Optional) Enter a name for your request.
    The name you provide identifies your request in the name of the generated zip file.

    For example, the name CurrentTime produces a zip file named similar to

  5. After the logging session completes and the log file has been written to disk, click Request Agent Log Files and the logged request and response output will appear in the Controller UI. You must Request the log files before you can download them.


Related Resources

New Poster


I have tried to enable the debug log without success... the radio button is being disabled.


image001 - Unable to select debug mode.png

Can anyone help me? Thanks.




AppDynamics Team


   It seems that you do not have permissions to capture logs.

   Please ref# the below doc# and enable the permissions to collect debug logs.





New Poster



I have read through the document and I am pretty sure that my account has the permission.



Screen Shot 2021-08-26 at 14.33.34.pngScreen Shot 2021-08-26 at 14.34.05.png




AppDynamics Team


   Looks like you are using .NET agent. Can you please log a help desk ticket to get assistance from respective team.




Version history
Last update:
‎11-18-2020 12:52 PM
Updated by:
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