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AppDynamics Team

To enable EUM Client side debug logs dynamically, you can use the Glassfish admin console or use the asamin utility.


1. Access the Glassfish admin console following the steps outlined here: AccesstheGlassfishAdminConsole


2. Once logged in, navigate to the server config in the console. Select Logger Settings, then Log Levels and add the logger below as shown in the screenshot and save it. Please note that these logging will be very verbose, hence it's normally enabled for few minutes during troubleshooting to capture the debug information in order to find out the root cause of the issue. 




EUM CLient loggerEUM CLient logger

If you can't access the Glassfish console for some reason, you can log in to the Controller machine and navigate to the pathbelow and enable it via the asadmin utility.


For example; 

cd /AppDynamics/Controller/appserver/glassfish/bin

./asadmin set-log-levels 
Enter admin user name>  admin
Enter admin password for user "admin"> 
Enter the value for the name_value operand> com.appdynamics.eum.client.EUMClient=FINEST:
com.appdynamics.eum.client.EUMClient package set with log level FINEST. package set with log level FINEST.
These logging levels are set for server.
Command set-log-levels executed successfully.


To disable it after you have captured the required debug info:


./asadmin set-log-levels
Enter admin user name>  admin
Enter admin password for user "admin"> 
Enter the value for the name_value operand> com.appdynamics.eum.client.EUMClient=INFO:
com.appdynamics.eum.client.EUMClient package set with log level INFO. package set with log level INFO.
These logging levels are set for server.
Command set-log-levels executed successfully.


The command above sets multiple loggers and notice the colon(:) above to set multiple loggers. If you would like to set any one of them, you can use the command below.


./asadmin set-log-levels 
Enter admin user name>  admin
Enter admin password for user "admin"> 
Enter the value for the name_value operand> com.appdynamics.eum.client.EUMClient=FINEST
com.appdynamics.eum.client.EUMClient package set with log level FINEST.
These logging levels are set for server.
Command set-log-levels executed successfully.


./asadmin set-log-levels 
Enter admin user name>  admin
Enter admin password for user "admin"> 
Enter the value for the name_value operand> package set with log level FINEST.
These logging levels are set for server.
Command set-log-levels executed successfully.


Once the loggers are enabled, the sample FINEST message will look like this:


[#|2018-07-19T16:13:59.963+0530|FINER|glassfish3.1.2||_ThreadID=179;_ThreadName=Thread-5;;MethodName=uploadAppConfiguration;|Skipped. No reason to update configuration at this time for appId=25|#]

[#|2018-07-19T16:14:00.154+0530|FINE|glassfish3.1.2||_ThreadID=165;_ThreadName=Thread-5;;MethodName=registration;|EUM registration done|#]

[#|2018-07-19T16:04:57.068+0530|FINEST|glassfish3.1.2|com.appdynamics.eum.client.EUMClient|_ThreadID=1406;_ThreadName=Thread-5;ClassName=com.appdynamics.eum.client.EUMClient;MethodName=fetchEvents;|fetchEvents invoked|#]

[#|2018-07-19T16:04:57.068+0530|FINEST|glassfish3.1.2|com.appdynamics.eum.client.EUMClient|_ThreadID=1405;_ThreadName=Thread-5;ClassName=com.appdynamics.eum.client.EUMClient;MethodName=fetchEvents;|fetchEvents invoked|#]




asadminasadminasadminasadminmultiple loggermultiple logger


Version history
Last update:
‎02-21-2019 11:54 PM
Updated by:
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