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on 11-13-2018 11:56 AM
Installing an on-prem EUM server with an on-prem Controller can be tricky, so we’ve created a guide to walk you through the process and address areas where you might have questions.
Please note that this guide assumes that you have installed the following components:
It also assumes that the Controller and EUM Collector are HTTP. For details on this, see: How do I use my load balancer to decrypt HTTPS?
1. Go to and download the appropriate EUM server.
2. Upload the EUM server to your host.
1. Open the admin console: http://<controller>:8090/controller/admin.jsp
2. Set the on-premise Events Service URL for both keys: appdynamics.on.premise.event.service.url
3. Grab and make note of the appdynamics.on.premise.event.service.key
4. Open the file called
, which you can find under the Events Service conf directory. Make sure that the on-premise Events key matches the following values in the Events Service file called
. See Configure the Events Services Properties for details.
5. Stop and start the Analytics Service through the Enterprise Console or command line to pick up the new values.
6. To make sure it's configured correctly, click the "Analytics" tab and create a new search. Make sure that you do not have any AdBlockers running in your browser, since this can prevent the screen from loading properly.
7. Even though you have no analytics data, you should see the screen below. If the screen hangs for a while after creating a search and you get a grey pop-up box indicating that you don’t have an Analytics Service setup, something is wrong and you'll need to recheck the values.
Next, you need to install the EUM server, sync the license to get the key and set the Events Service values.
1. Install the EUM server.
sh euem-64bit-linux-
2. Go through all the install steps (e.g., accepting the license agreement, Controller Database credentials and port settings).
3. Navigate to the directory:
cd /opt/appdynamics/EUM/eum-processor
4. Navigate back to the following directory:
5. Run the following command with the on-prem Controller license file.
./bin/provision-license /opt/appdynamics/controller/license.lic
6. You should see a similar payload (we need the "key" value from the license).
root@se43rccontroller:/opt/appdynamics/EUM/eum-processor# ./bin/provision-license /opt/appdynamics/controller/license.lic
Reading the license file at /opt/appdynamics/controller/license.lic
Successfully read the license file
Provisioning from license file /opt/appdynamics/controller/license.lic
Register the account ...
isValid:true, isAlreadyRegistered:false, description:Successfully completed account registration, Account{accountName='test-eum-account-kevinbrunette-1536344005088', globalAccountName='bogus global account name', key='[FILTERED]', timestamp=1536348662966, lastPassingMin=1536348660000, accountStatus='Y', activityStatus='Y', lastActivityTimestamp=1536348662966, activityVersion='0', controllerEumApiVersion='0', controllerVersion='unknown', crMapFilesGeneration='-1', analyticAccountCreated='N', licenseTermsUpdateSourcePrecedence='0', deleted=false, deletedTime='1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z}
EUM Account [test-eum-account-kevinbrunette-1536344005088] with key [9522ea05-88e6-4690-bb41-4340fbd6d233] registered and license terms provisioned in the EUM PROCESSOR
root@se43rccontroller:/opt/appdynamics/EUM/eum-processor# pwd
root@se43rccontroller:/opt/appdynamics/EUM/eum-processor# ./bin/provision-license /opt/appdynamics/controller/license.lic
7. Make note of the key value in the example below since we will use it in the next step: 9522ea05-88e6-4690-bb41-4340fbd6d233
EUM Account [test-eum-account-kevinbrunette-1536344005088] with key [9522ea05-88e6-4690-bb41-4340fbd6d233] registered and license terms provisioned in the EUM PROCESSOR
8. Edit the
file under /opt/appdynamics/eum/eum-proessor/bin/
. The accountAccessKey should be the license key from the previous step. Make sure to set the serverHost value to your local Events Service cluster.
# Analytics server properties
# Session properties
9. Save the file.
10. Navigate back to the eum-processor
cd /opt/appdynamics/EUM/eum-processor
11. Start the Server.
sh bin/ start
1. Log in to the admin controller.
2. Search for "key" in the top right.
3. Update the
value with the EUM license key from "Install and Configure Step 7”: 9522ea05-88e6-4690-bb41-4340fbd6d233
4. Make sure to update the EUM cloud host and beacon values with your on-prem EUM server.
5. Make note of the key: appdynamics.on.premise.event.service.key
value for future use. In this example, it’s 7e3195ae-bf2f-4150-9ec6-2b379f3fc17e
6. Open the file
which is under /opt/appdynamics/events-service/processor/conf
7. Update the keys in the file:
with the key from step 3 (9522ea05-88e6-4690-bb41-4340fbd6d233).
and ad.accountmanager.key.mds
with the appdynamics.on.premise.event.service.key
value from the previous step.Here is a key mapping guide! For a closer look, click on the image and expand it to full screen.
The sample
key values would be the following:
8. Verify that these keys all match up.
9. For good measure, restart the Events Service. Once that is up, stop and start the EUM Server. To verify that your EUM Server and Events Service are up and running, follow the instructions outlined here.
1. Go the license page.
2. You should now see this instead of "Error retrieving license details":
Thank you! Your submission has been received!
Thank you! Your submission has been received!
Oops! Something went wrong while submitting the form