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App Agent log is empty, or nothing is reported to the Controller.

Common Solutions:

  1. If your agent is behind a network firewall or load balancer, open ports to enable communication between the agent and the Controller.
    • Avoid installing an App Agent into a directory used by the application server, such as a Tomcat directory.
    • Always install the Java Agent to a directory of its own, such as \usr\local\agentsetup\appserveragent.
    • The AppDynamics folder is installed by the same user who owns the application process.
    • The AppDynamics folder must have read and write permissions.
    • Check for the following error in the application logs while installing the Java Agent. This error means that the Java Agent folder is corrupt. Install a new Java Agent folder.
      • Error opening zip file or JAR manifest missing : \usr\local\agentsetup\appserveragent\javaagent.jar

  2. Is the runtime directory writeable by the Java Agent?
  3. Check for network connectivity issues.
    • If the agent is not able to connect to the Controller, the agent will disable itself. When the connection is available it will re-register again.
  4. Validate the application name, tier names, and node names. These are mandatory configuration parameters for an agent.
    • Examine logs for errors such as the following:Screen Shot 2018-06-14 at 11.11.26 AM.png



Additional Information:


Version history
Last update:
‎04-10-2024 02:19 PM
Updated by:
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