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Does Appdynamics support Sonarqube?


Hello All


I wanted to understand one use case with Sonarqube which is a code scanning tool that has a different setup. Can we integrate with Appdynamics for one point of monitoring on this area with Scan logs, Errors, alerts and dashboards?





Georg.von Sperling
AppDynamics Team

Hi @gaurav.singh 


This may warrant additional exploration. While there is a lot you can do with AppDynamics Log Analytics, our Extensions Framework for Custom Metrics and Dashboarding, it seems you may have some specific (or general) Use Cases in mind that you are attempting to solve for. I have seen attempts to actually monitor the Java processes of SonarQube static code analysis runtime; however, I infer from your question that this is not your goal. I haven't seen an attempt at correlating the output or findings of SonarQube to Application or Business Performance. 


May I ask you to consider submitting an IDEA via the IDEA Exchange for our Product Management team to look at with additional detail of what you are attempting to accomplish?


The Idea Exchange is a place where customers can post, vote and comment on Ideas. View the Idea Exchange guidelines here:


I would select "Integrations" and "Extensions" for the "Which Product(s)?" question. 


Thanks, GvS

Thanks Team,


But I am looking for making sonarqube actions into transactions which is BT's in order to track and give more value. Do you have any past experience in changing them into BT's? It will be great if I can get the class name or method name to change into POJO calls.


