Controller (SaaS, On Premises)
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Forum Posts

Watchdog Error

Hello,When I try to start the watchdog, it does not start and gets the following error. Because the watchdog does not start, db replication does not work either. Sql Thread for relay log not running -replication error 

Failover Automation

Hello everyone,I have not started yet, I wanted to progress with the sharing of ideas from you.I have 4 appdynamics servers 1 es 1ec 2 controller.Every month, I turn off their manual failover in patch passes, respectively.I want to automate it via an...

Resolved! Unable to create users via CI-API

Hello community,I want to create a new user silently on OnPremise-AppDynamics-Controller by using the 'Create Central Identity User API' by using the commandcurl -H "Content-Type: application/vnd.appd.cntrl+json;v=1" -X POST -d '{"email": "mynewuser@...

Resolved! Wrong total application response time

Trust everyone is doing good,I noticed for a particular application being monitored the total response time being displayed on appdynamics is not the true value,it shows a lower response time that just isnt possible.Checking individual transaction re...


Node / Metric Limit Monitoring

Hi Team,Is there is a possibility to monitor or capture metric of node/metric limit for a particular controller. Reason behind this is there are many controller and it would be great if we can have common dashboard where we can monitor all controller...


Hi, on appdynamics documentation there is an option sim.cluster.logs.capture.enabledThe documentation says "This option is disabled by default." and the default value is "true". A little bit confusing, because logically sim.cluster.logs.capture.enabl...