Controller (SaaS, On Premises)
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Forum Posts

Stats on the API Usage

I'm trying to understand the API usage - Internal and Public, basic auth vs token based -  in our controllers so they are appropriately sized and there is no performance bottle necks, how do I get these stats?I want to filter out the Internal API vol...

Transaction Snapshots filtering

Hi all,I was trying to get details on some detected backends, for example what was the call type (async, RMI, etc.) and the class:method used for the exit call, typically detailed into transaction snapshots.Although in the application dashboard these...


cannot install the controller

Task failed: Store encrypted MySQL credentials on disk on host: ESS-LT-68Q9FS3 as user: appd-team-9 with message: Command failed with exit code 1 and stdout Checking if db credential is valid... Mysql returned with error code [127]: /home/appd-team-9...