Business iQ (Analytics)
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Forum Posts

Resolved! Session Id count

Hi,   Can anyone please explain what does "count" option signify for session ID in analytics.  When i select "count distict" instead of count the value changes to 1, this is understandable since each user has a unique session ID. PFB the screenshot. ...

Is it possible to join tables using AQL?

I have a table of IDs to Names: id: name 1: user1 2: user2 3: user3   and another table of more data: id: edu : ...... 1 : bachelor : .... 2 : master : .... 3 : phd : ....   Is it possible to use AQL to join these two together so I can display the na...

kyzhou by Builder
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Analytics Agent scope creation

Hi,   Is there a way we can create Analytics agent scope for all the nodes within the Application tier. Since, our Analytics agents are AWS Ec2 instances and their hostnames and IP addressess are always vary and we do not have any standard naming con...


Pushing data to Events schema

Hi All,   Am trying to build a custom Extension with Java. As per this page, We can use AManagedMonitor class to push data to Metrics schema So is there a class that w...

Resolved! Device usage metrics for our application

Hey,   We have our app acessible across plaforms (web, iOS and windows 10 native).    What I am trying to do is to create a dashboard to show the device/platforms adoption. I see transactions from our web and iOS apps but not windows native (dont hav...