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Unable to get the transactions for Windows service for NET Agent


Hi Appdynamics team,


Greetings for the day!


Im trying to configure the windows service application to monitior using .net agent referring the below link.


here is the part of config.xml file which i have added

<standalone-application executable="FULL PATH OF EXECUTABLE" command-line="-x">
<tier name="Windows Service"/>
<instrument-defaultdomain enabled="true"/>


but unable to get the transactions. Please let me know if i missed any more configuration steps.

I have seen the below messages in the "agentlog" as below. 


Info SystemInformation Environment variable 'APP_POOL_ID' is not set. Trying to extract App Pool ID from managed command line 
2021-03-31 15:31:10.2771 15488 Service 1 3 Info SystemInformation Managed command line did not have 'APP_POOL_ID'. Trying to extract App Pool ID from native command line 
2021-03-31 15:31:10.2771 15488 Service 1 3 Info SystemInformation The app pool ID is
2021-03-31 15:31:10.2771 15488 Service 1 3 Info Configuration appDomainName="EXE NAME" appDomainId=1 iis-app=null site=null port=null appPoolId=null commandLine=""
2021-03-31 15:31:10.2911 15488 Service 1 3 Info AgentCommunicator named pipe = \\.\pipe\AppDynamicsAgentIPC
2021-03-31 15:31:10.4096 15488 Service 1 3 Warn Configuration Problem loading the configuration: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at AppDynamics.Agent.Configuration.ValidateAndFixConfig(AppAgentConfiguration appAgentConfiguration)
at AppDynamics.Agent.Configuration..ctor(StandaloneAgentConfiguration standaloneAgentConfig, SensitiveDataScrubber dataScrubber)


I could able to get the transactions for IIS Applications.

please help me in resolving the issue. 

Thanks in advance.



Community Manager

Hi @vemp.oiyu,


I did some looking and there are two very similar questions already asked on the Community that have solutions.


Please check those out to see if they offer any help, if they do, please share what you learned as a reply back to this post.


Ryan, Cisco AppDynamics Community Manager

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Hi @Ryan.Paredez ,


Thanks for the reply,

I have already referred the links you have shared me. i have tried configuring the entry points as well for the windows service.


i could see this below message in the Controller with the windows service name.




I could see  this message in agentlog, 


Info SystemInformation Environment variable 'APP_POOL_ID' is not set. Trying to extract App Pool ID from managed command line 
2021-03-31 15:31:10.2771 15488 Service 1 3 Info SystemInformation Managed command line did not have 'APP_POOL_ID'. Trying to extract App Pool ID from native command line 
2021-03-31 15:31:10.2771 15488 Service 1 3 Info SystemInformation The app pool ID is
2021-03-31 15:31:10.2771 15488 Service 1 3 Info Configuration appDomainName=Service.exe appDomainId=1 iis-app=null site=null port=null appPoolId=null commandLine=""
2021-03-31 15:31:10.2911 15488 Service 1 3 Info AgentCommunicator named pipe = \\.\pipe\AppDynamicsAgentIPC
2021-03-31 15:31:10.4096 15488 Service 1 3 Warn Configuration Problem loading the configuration: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at AppDynamics.Agent.Configuration.ValidateAndFixConfig(AppAgentConfiguration appAgentConfiguration)
at AppDynamics.Agent.Configuration..ctor(StandaloneAgentConfiguration standaloneAgentConfig, SensitiveDataScrubber dataScrubber)


Could you please help me solving this appPoolID getting null.


Thanks in advance.


Hi @vemp.oiyu,


Thanks for letting me know. If I find anything out, I will be sure to share it here. In the meantime, let's see if the Community can jump in and help.


Ryan, Cisco AppDynamics Community Manager

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Hi, I have the same problem, did you find a solution? 

Community Manager

Hi @Zoltan.Gutleber,

Given that this post is a few years old, it's unlikely to get a reply from the original poster. At this point, it might be best to reach out to AppD Support:  


Ryan, Cisco AppDynamics Community Manager

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