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How can I install appdynamics .net agent on aws elastic beanstalk?

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I'm new to AppD .NET Agent intallation process. It might be an obvious question but i need help on that.

We have .NET Applications hosted in AWS Cloud using AWS Elastic Benstalk. We need to instrument the .NET Applications Servers and Applications using AppD. So, we need to install the AppD .NET Agent on AWS Elastic Beanstalk. Could you please let me know what are the steps i have follow?


AppDynamics Team (Retired)

Hi Ajit,


The installation part should remain the same. All you need to do is install the MSI.

The issue can occur when multiple instance get created. Agent uses HostName to name the nodes but since all the instances at AWS have the same hostname node conflicts occur and you end up loosing metrics.


In case you have single .Net Application hosted on these instances you can set up environment variable APPDYNAMICS_AGENT_UNIQUE_HOST_ID to any value and it will be used to uniquely identify the machine and generate node names using this value. 

For example, following powershell commands will fetch IP (full) and set it as system level environment variable-

$ip = $(ipconfig | where {$_ -match 'IPv4.+\s(\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})' } | out-null; $Matches[1])
$uniqueID = "Optional_Prefix"+$ip
SETX $envVariableName $UniqueID /m

We can call this during system startup and this will take care of the problem. 

I am assuming that you are using .NET agent version 4.3 or newer, in that case we only need to set this env variable and we should be good. 


Let us know if you are hosting mutiple .Net applications on these AWS instance.




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