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AppDynamics License usage by application name


Can we get the license usage summary by application name using API?

I’ve tried the license usage with the license ID and account ID but getting the availability of the license as an output. 

GET /controller/licensing/v1/usage/license/{licenseId} 



These APIs are running well but not getting the output I’m looking for.

I’m looking for the usage, like how much of the license is consumed in real-time.  

I appreciate any help you can provide.


AppDynamics Team

Hi Pratik

Thanks for posting question to the community!

Plz refer to this API:

Hope this answer helps!



I'm able to retrieve the data by application name using the code in this API:
But the fallbackLicenseUnit parameter in response is giving output as blank. No data is coming for the fallbackLicenseUnit.
Is there any way by which I can get the license consumption units in Infrastructure based Licensing?

Hi Pratik,

Are you using Infrastructure-based Licensing Packages?

If you are using Agent-based Licensing Packages, there is no API meeting your needs at the moment.

BTW, here is the documentation about Infrastructure-based Licensing Packages and Agent-based Licensing Packages:

Kind regards,


Hey Pratik,

i've not found a way to do this through the API. but you can count the number of agents per application to give an insight into where the licenses may be being used

eg I do this in my my open source rapport application 

all versions.jpg

Rapport is free and can be found at  


kind regards

AppDynamics Team

Is there a way to get this by querying the database on an on prem controller?

If you are talking about ABL, I'm afraid there is not.

However, you can contact Professional Services Team to use Caesar tool to achieve the goal.

Using Caesar Tool we can generate license consumption report for the required account. We have jenkins job to get the report

Caesar tool for on-prem controllers, owned by Professional Services Team

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