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AppDynamics Team (Retired)


The EUM processor is configured for https and the https port is specified in the configuration. After starting the EUM server, the process comes up on http port but it does not listen on the https port.



Any process needs a keystore to be able to perform a secure communication over https. We need to configure a key store and provide the entries in the eum properties file. If the property is not specified for key store or for any reason it is not able to access the key store, it will not start listening on the https port.



To ensure that EUM listens on the https port as well, ensure the below criterias are checked:


1. A proper keystore with valid certificates are created for the EUM processor.


2. The keystore files and password should be specified in the file. Below are the properties that corresponds to the same:



3. Ensure that the EUM processor has read and execute privileges on the keystore file.


4. The https port specified in the file should be available for the EUM processor.

AppDynamics Team (Retired)

We can also specify the document link pointing to the exact steps they need to perform to get the certificates setup for EUM

Version history
Last update:
‎09-05-2018 03:20 PM
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