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AppDynamics Team (Retired)


Why do I need to run the eum-schema update after importing the MySQL eum_db dump from the Controller MySQL to the EUM MySQL database?



Starting 4.4, EUM has its own MySQL database in production mode deployment. If we are upgrading from a lower version to 4.4.x, we need to take a dump from the Controller MySQL for the eum_db schema and import the dump in the EUM server's MySQL database. In 4.4.x, the schema of the EUM server has additional changes from its previous version, which are required for the EUM processor to function. When we are importing the schema level dump, it drops the current eum_db schema in the EUM database and then restores the older version of the schema from dump. To bring it back to a compatible state for the 4.4.x version, we need to update the schema using the eum-schema update command.

Version history
Last update:
‎06-14-2018 07:14 PM
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