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If your Application Agent is not reporting data to the Controller, checking the following items on the machine where the Agent is installed:


  1. Is the Agent log empty?
  2. Are there network connectivity issues?
  3. Are there 401 Unauthorized error messages in the Agent logs?
  4. Is the ssl-enabled property value set to true?
  5. Are the application, tier, and node names correct?
  6. Are you using a multi-tenant Controller?
  7. Are there license-related errors?


1. Is the Agent log empty?

  • If no data is being reported to the Controller, it’s possible that the user who is starting the application server doesn’t have the necessary permissions on the Agent directory. The user requires read, write and execute permissions. The Agent should also be installed with the same user with which the application process is running.
  • Example: You may use chown -R user:group appdynamics and your user is "jboss" chown -R jboss:jboss appdynamics. This gives the Application Agent user “jboss” the complete ability to navigate the /opt/appdynamics folders and sub folders. If user "jboss" doesn’t have the permission to navigate to root-owned folders within AppDynamics, the Agent wouldn’t be able to write to log files that are required by the application.
  • To resolve this issue, check the permissions in the Agent directory and sub-directories. Example: <AgentDir>/ver4.x.x.x/


2. Are there network connectivity issues?

  • Use the following command to test connectivity:
    curl -v https://<controllerHost>:<port>/controller
    telnet <controllerHost>
    traceroute <controllerHost> 
  • Check with your Network engineer to resolve connectivity issues between the Agent and Controller.


3. Are there 401 Unauthorized error messages in the Agent logs?

  • This error message usually indicates that the account name or access key are missing or incorrectly configured.


4. Is the ssl-enabled property value set to true?

  • If the Agent is using SSL port 8181 and you see the following error message in the logs, check that the ssl-enabled property has a value of true in the controller-info.xml file or any parameters configured in startup file.
    [Thread-0] 22 Nov 2017 09:09:43,469 ERROR ConfigurationChannel - Exception: failed to respond org.apache.http.NoHttpResponseException: failed to respond
  • Ensure that SSLEnabled is set to true for HTTPS, and false for HTTP.


5. Are the application, tier, and node names correct?

  • These are mandatory configuration parameters for an Application Agent. Look at Agent logs for errors like this:
    Screen Shot 2018-06-14 at 11.11.26 AM.png


6. Are you using a multi-tenant Controller?

  • If yes, check that the account name is accurate.


7. Are there license-related errors?

  • Check the Agent logs for license-related errors and verify if the license count limit has been reached:
    WARN ConfigurationChannel - ResponseReadException creating Response Wrapper [e], : Error in controller in processing binary request AppAgent Config Data  - Agent license request denied.
  • If you see a license-related error, follow the steps outlined in Why am I seeing license limit notifications?


Not applicable

These are excellent steps!  Thanks,

The only thing I will add is that to check the Blue notifications icon next the the gear symbol.  Most likely the issue is registered in the Notifications at the Vontroller interface.



License (Expired, Limit Reached, Invalid File, Not Found)
02/15/18 8:20:01 AM
Agent license request denied. Agent type: java-machine-agent; Host: ip-10-4xxxxxxxx55.ixxglobal.local; License Rule: SIO_PreProd; Reason: License limit hit for license_rule
Not applicable

I commonly use chown -R user:group appdynamics

If your user is "jboss" chown -R jboss:jboss appdynamics

this gives the app agent user jboss complete ability to navigate the /opt/appdynamics forlder and all sub folders.  If user "jboss" as an example does not have rights to navigate to root owned folders within appdynamics, then the agent would not be able to write to log files that is required by the application.

The above could be one of the main causes to permission denied.

Version history
Last update:
‎03-27-2019 10:27 AM
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