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If the End User Monitoring (EUM) data/license does not appear in the Controller UI and the logs of the Controller (server.log) contains the message below, this is normally caused by an EUM license key mismatch between the property_eum-license-key value in license.lic and the license-key value in the accounts table of the eum_db schema.



Unable to fetch/update information for EUM account with name: <EUM ACCOUNT NAME> ApiError: requestId=null httpStatus=401 apiErrorCode=UNAUTHORIZED userMessage='Credentials required for this resource' additionalInfo=[null]|#]

[#|2018-07-18T01:14:26.702+0300|WARNING|glassfish 4.1||_ThreadID=318;_ThreadName=__ejb-thread-pool15;_TimeMillis=1531865666702;_LevelValue=900;|Failed to provision EUM Cloud License with cloud for eum account [EUM ACCOUNT NAME] ApiError: requestId=null httpStatus=401 apiErrorCode=UNAUTHORIZED userMessage='Credentials required for this resource' additionalInfo=[null]|#]

[#|2018-07-18T01:14:26.702+0300|WARNING|glassfish 4.1||_ThreadID=313;_ThreadName=__ejb-thread-pool10;_TimeMillis=1531865666702;_LevelValue=900;|Failed to get EUM event service key ApiError: requestId=null httpStatus=401 apiErrorCode=UNAUTHORIZED userMessage='Credentials required for this resource' additionalInfo=[null]|#]



How to validate if it's an EUM license key mismatch issue

You can use the aggreagator servlet endpoint using the EUM license key to validate if the license is valid or not.


If it's SAAS EUM, you can query the end-point below using your current EUM license key and if it returns as true, it's not a license issue. If it returns as false, it's an EUM license key issue.<Paste your eum license key>

If it's on-prem EUM, you can use the end-point below:

http://<EUM_HOSTNAME:7001/eumaggregator/validate-lic?eumLicenseKey=<Paste your eum license key>


For on-premise EUM only: Assuming it has returned false, you need to query your eum_db.accounts table to check what EUM key it is using.


If the EUM Server is 4.4+, you can log in to the eum_db using the option below on the EUM host itself. If it's a lesser version, log in from the Controller host using the command below:


<Controller_Home>/bin/ login-db option

1. For instance, navigate to cd /AppDynamics/EUM450_23508/mysql/bin


2. Please replace welcome1 with your correct password while running the login command below:

./mysql -h -P 3388 -u root -pwelcome1 --protocol=tcp


3. Once logged into the DB, you can issue the following queries to find out the license key[license-key=]

  1. Use eum_db;
  2. Select * from accounts \G;


Once you have determined that the license-key in the accounts table and the property_eum-license-key in the license.lic file are different, please reach out to Licensing/OrderOps to get the  license re-issued with the correct EUM account name and key.


If you would like to delete the existing records in the accounts table and use the new EUM account and key, delete the records in the accounts and the account_credentials table and provision the new license file using the provision-license command. Please note that this will change your EUM app key in the applications table since the app key generation is based on the EUM account name and EUM license key value, so you need to change the app key accordingly in your application.


1. Login to the eum_db

2. Delete from accounts \G;

3. Delete from account_credentials \G;

4. Copy the new license.lic file to the eum host and execute the command below.

  • From the eum-processor directory, run the following script:
    • On Linux:
      ./bin/provision-license <path_to_license_file>
    • On Windows:
      bin\provision-license.bat <path_to_license_file>

5. Once this is done, query the accounts table and verify if you are able to see the correct eum account name and key.

  • select * from accounts\G;
Version history
Last update:
‎02-22-2019 08:58 AM
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