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How is HttpClient used in the extensions commons library?


This document explains the httpClient used by the extensions commons library, part of the Java SDK for AppDynamics Extensions.


Table of Contents



Most of the extensions collect metrics from an HTTP(s) endpoint. Instead of creating an httpClient in every extension, we have created an httpClient for the commons library that can be used in all the extensions.



CloseableHttpClient httpClient = configuration.getContext().getHttpClient(), where configuration is an object of the MonitorContextConfiguration class.



To use httpClient in any extension, provide the following configuration in the config.yml file:


Server Configuration

The two servers configured below are valid. Config1 is preferred over Config2.



 - uri: ""
   username: ""
   password: ""
   encryptedPassword: ""



 - host: "" # Avoid this, use uri instead
   port: "" # Avoid this, use uri instead
   useSsl: false # Avoid this, use uri instead.
   username: ""
   password: ""
   encryptedPassword: ""


Configuring multiple servers

Configuring multiple servers in a single config.yml is also supported.

  - uri: ""
    username: ""
    password: ""
    encryptedPassword: ""
    # Uri is preferred instead of host-port-useSsl combo.
  - host: "" # Avoid this, use uri instead
    port: "" # Avoid this, use uri instead
    useSsl: false # Avoid this, use uri instead.
    username: ""
    password: ""
    encryptedPassword: ""


A username and password can also be provided or you can provide the encrypted password and leave the password field empty.


NOTE: You can add an encrypted password for each server, but the encryptionKey will be the same for all the servers as defined in the config.yml file.


If you provide values for both the password and encryptedPassword, the extension will give precedence to the value provided in the password field and the encryptedPassword will be disregarded.


If you would like to use HTTPS, specify protocol as https in Config1 or change the value of useSsl to true in Config2.


Connection Configuration

Connection configuration is optional, but enables you to have more choices when trying to establish a new connection with a server. Like the encryptionKey, this section is universal for all the servers listed in the config.yml file.

  socketTimeout: 3000
  connectTimeout: 1000
  sslProtocols: ["TLSV1.2"]
  sslCertCheckEnabled: true
  sslVerifyHostname: true
  sslCipherSuites: []
  sslTrustStorePath: ""
  sslTrustStorePassword: ""
  sslTrustStoreEncryptedPassword: ""
  sslKeyStorePath: ""
  sslKeyStorePassword: ""
  sslKeyStoreEncryptedPassword: ""





socketTimeout Time limit in milliseconds for a socket to time out after establishing a connection  
connectTimeout The connection will timeout after this number of milliseconds  
sslProtocols Array of strings of all the protocols to be followed Defaults to "default"
Set this to true to enable Certificate checks Ideally, it is suggested that both sslCertCheckEnabled and sslVerifyHostname listed about should be true for security reasons.
Set this to true to enable host name verification  
Path to the SSL TrustStore
Defaults to machine-agent/conf/extensions-cacerts.jks
Truststore password in cleartext
The keystore needs to have either sslTrustStorePassword or  sslTrustStoreEncryptedPassword
Encrypted TrustStore password
Path to the SSL KeyStore

Defaults to


SSL Keystore password in cleartext


Encrypted SSL Keystore password



Version history
Last update:
‎10-18-2021 04:47 PM
Updated by:
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