since ‎08-14-2017

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Workbench is an inbuilt feature provided with each extension to help you to fine-tune the extension setup before you actually deploy it on the Controller. Workbench functionality is inbuilt with each extension JAR file.   Currently, the AppDynamics...
What is the use case for using "taskSchedule" for extensions? How do I configure "taskSchedule"?   Contents Why use "taskSchedule" to monitor intervals? How do I configure "config.yml" to use task schedule mode? Details to know about using "taskSche...
Metric Transformers in the Extensions Commons Library The Java Extension SDK provides an automated utility that allows extensions developers to transform a metric name and value as it would be represented in the Metric Browser. These transformers inc...
What do I need to know to use the metricPath CharSequence replacement feature of the Java SDK for AppDynamics extensions?   Contents When and how can I use the metricChar replacement?How do I configure the metricChar feature?   When and how can I us...
Contents Use CaseConfiguration Events Service ClientCreating a SchemaRetrieving a SchemaDeleting a SchemaPublishing Events   Use Case The AppDynamics Metric Browser only supports numerical values for metrics. In order to store and monitor non-numer...